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First Love, Last Love

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She nodded. ‘Like everyone else.’

‘Not everyone,’ Lauri denied. ‘My aunt and uncle haven’t heard them yet, although it can only be a matter of time.’

But it seemed her luck was in, or it could just have been that people were just too polite to actually speak to Jane and Steve about their niece. Whatever the reason they seemed to know nothing about the fact that she had been rumoured to be dating their employer.

And she had heard nothing from Alex. By Friday afternoon she was tired of waiting to know if their date for tomorrow was on or off, so, tired of waiting, she decided to call him and find out for herself. This time she chose to use one of the public telephones in the building, waiting until their afternoon break

before leaving the girls, who were still a little strained with her, although the sensation surrounding her seemed to be fading, probably due to her own air of innocence about the matter.

Jane answered the telephone, and once again Lauri adopted the sexy voice as she asked for Alex. By the long wait she had she knew that at least Alex was in his office. Besides, if he hadn’t been Jane would have said so at the onset.

‘Miss—er—Lauren?’ Jane came back on the telephone.

‘Yes?’ she asked in that breathless voice.

‘I’m afraid Mr Blair is unable to talk to you at the moment. He’s in an important meeting,’ she added.

So she had her answer! Alex didn’t even want to speak to her. ‘Thank you,’ she said huskily.

‘Perhaps you could call back later?’

Lauri could almost hear the sympathy in her aunt’s voice, and she cringed in reaction. Jane had never mentioned having to give Alex Blair’s girl-friends the brush-off, but it was natural to assume this wasn’t the first time it had happened. Well, she had her pride, and she had no intention of telephoning Alex only to be put off again.

‘No, that’s perfectly all right,’ she said lightly. ‘Thank you.’

‘Oh, but—Lauren? I—Mr Blair—’

Lauri slowly put down the receiver. Poor Jane, how embarrassing for her to have to do Alex’s dirty work for him. Still, at least she knew where she stood now. She could begin to forget she had ever known Alexander Blair as anything other than an employer.

Her date with Daryl was a success that evening, managing to get back on the friendly level they had always been, and making their final goodbye the next day all the sadder. She went with him to the airport, finding it hard to think she would never see him again. They had had fun together the last few weeks, even if she had stupidly got sidetracked by Alex Blair’s charm.

‘Are you going out tonight?’ Steve put the newspaper down after taking down the football results, sighing as he realised that once again he hadn’t won on his coupon.

‘Are you?’ she returned.

He grinned. ‘I asked first.’

Lauri shrugged. ‘I have nowhere to go.’

‘Upset about Daryl leaving?’ he asked gently.

‘A bit,’ she nodded.

‘Feel like coming out with me tonight?’

‘With you?’ Her eyes widened.

Steve laughed at her expression. ‘Don’t look so surprised. I realise I’m your uncle, and therefore considered unsuitable for spending an evening out with, but there’s no law against it. Honestly!’

‘I know that,’ she smiled. ‘I just didn’t expect—’ She sighed. ‘I don’t really think I’m in the mood.’ Not when she should have been going out with Alex! ‘Although I do appreciate the offer,’ she added gently.


‘Mm. But thanks.’

He shrugged. ‘Okay. But you aren’t going to pine away for him, are you?’

Lauri laughed. ‘Haven’t you heard, we don’t do that sort of thing any more? But I do thank you for offering. It was a nice thought, Steve.’

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