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First Love, Last Love

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‘Perhaps,’ she snapped, pushing open the car door. ‘But I won’t just be another conquest for any man!’ She got out on to the pavement. ‘Goodbye, Alex.’

He restarted the engine. ‘I’ll see you later, Lauren. We’ll be going to the hospital together. Seven o’clock. Be ready.’

Steve was out when she let herself into the house, so she was able to fume in private. She had been right to presume Alex’s mention of marriage to Steve was just a ruse, his suggestion of an affair was evidence of that. And he was a man who didn’t give up easily, so she would have to beware now she knew his intention.

Jane telephoned just before five to say she and Robin would be leaving shortly. And by her tone she would have a lot to say to Lauri when she got here. All the more reasons for Lauri to be out, and besides, she had told Laurence she would visit him.

Alex wasn’t put off by her cool attitude towards him later that evening, talking to her easily about impersonal subjects as they drove to the hospital. Most of his conversation required no answer, so she didn’t have the satisfaction of showing him she wasn’t speaking to him. Damn him!

‘Cheer up, Lauren,’ he told her as they entered the hospital. ‘I’m sure you won’t help Laurence with that long face.’

‘I had no intention of presenting a long face to him,’ she snapped, glaring at him.

‘Only to me, hmm?’ he taunted.

‘Go to hell!’ she flared, the scowl fading from her features as she entered Laurence’s room. She was glad to see that he looked slightly better, a little more colour to his face, the blue tinge to his skin almost gone. ‘How do you feel now?’ she asked him gently.

‘I feel rather stupid,’ he gave a rueful smile. ‘Ah, Alex,’ his gaze passed to the man who had entered the room behind her, ‘I’m glad you’re here.’

‘As it was my fault this happened it would have been pretty callous not to have visited you,’ Alex said gruffly. ‘I should have known … Beth said something about a weak heart.’

‘I’m fine if I take care of myself.’

‘Which Lauren says you haven’t been doing.’

Laurence smiled at her. ‘With one thing and another it was all too much for me.’ He looked keenly at Alex. ‘I’m sure you know what I mean.’

‘Yes,’ Alex nodded.

‘I wonder,’ Laurence said slowly, ‘if I might have a few minutes alone with Lauri?

Alex frowned. ‘I don’t think now would be a good time, her mood isn’t very receptive at the moment.’

‘It has to come some time, Alex.’

‘But not now.’

‘Yes!’ Laurence insisted with as much force as he could in his weakened condition. ‘I have to tell her. I want Lauri to know the truth.’

‘It’s your decision, of course,’ Alex said coolly. ‘But I would advise against it for the moment.’

‘Against what, for heaven’s sake?’ Lauri was sick of this cross-talk they indulged in in front of her. ‘What do you want to tell me?’ she asked the older man.

‘Alex—please,’ Laurence prompted.

‘Okay,’ he sighed. ‘But don’t say I didn’t warn you. I’ll be outside if you need me.’

Laurence waited for him to leave before seizing Lauri’s hand. ‘I—I wanted to talk to you alone because there’s something I have to tell you—need to tell you, for my sanity.’

She looked puzzled by his earnest expression. ‘Surely it can’t be that serious, whatever it is.’

‘I’m afraid it is, very serious.’ He took his glasses off to rub his eyes, looking down at his hand as it pleated the sheet. ‘You see, Lauri, I—Oh God, there’s just no easy way to tell you this! I’m your father, Lauri, your real father!’

She recoiled as if he had hit her, wrenching her hand away from his. ‘No! You—you’re lying!’ She stared at him in horror.

‘No, Lauri, I’m not.’ He raised his lids, looking at her with eyes as deeply green as her own.


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