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Fireblood (Fireblood 1)

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Hadley raises an eyebrow. “You can explain that later.” I give her a small smile before she continues. “I want to help.”

“You have,” I assure her.

“No. I want to help get my parents back.” Her hands ball into fists beneath mine. “Whatever it takes, Zara. I have nothing to go back to otherwise.”

Pressing my lips together, I remove my hands from hers and consider her offer. There’s no way I could let her fight in a battle. Even if I had weeks to train her, she wouldn’t be ready. Hadley wasn’t brought up the way I was. She’s delicate. Although, her putting a mission together all on her own to bring citizens to the Rebel camp has admittedly shocked me.

“Okay,” I say. “I know the Rebels will need your help.”

After I help Hadley make up her cot and she finally drifts off, I walk the perimeter of the camp. I find a quiet spot away from the chaos—the citizens and Rebels reuniting, arguing, trying to find a solution.

I lean against a tree and am reminded of the first night I came here with Devlan. Hadley is every bit as determined to find her parents as I was to save my father. I can’t deny her that right to try.

“Is she all right?” Devlan comes up beside the tree and moves me in front of him, wrapping his arm around me.

Pressing the back of my head against his chest, I stare up at the nearly-full moon behind the gridded sky. “I think so. She wants to help the Rebels bring the Taken home.”

Devlan brushes his cheek against the crown of my head. “Maybe she can. We’ll need someone to help Silas monitor the Taken while we invade Castle Karm.”

I turn in his arms and find his eyes, silvery blue pools reflecting the pale light. “The citizens are joining our forces?”

“Fallon believes she can convince them come morning.”

“Then this is it.”

He nods. “This is it.” Lowering his head toward mine, he softly caresses my lips into a kiss. My heart pangs with the knowledge that this may be our last night together. That tomorrow, no matter what, everything changes. I wrap my arms around his neck and press closer to him.

A howl wrenches the night, and Devlan pulls back. “We shouldn’t be so close to the barricade.” He takes my hand. “Come on. I want you in my arms for the rest of the night.”

Heat replaces the chill invading my skin from the cool air, and I allow Devlan to lead me away.

As we move through the camp, I think back on the choices I’ve made, and wonder if anything could’ve spared Madity her fate, if there’s a way I can spare Hadley and the others from sharing it. I palm the crest on Madity’s necklace, wanting to feel her arms around me, reassuring me that everything will be all right.

I’m not confident Sebastian or the Force found incriminating evidence against Madity. I wear around my neck the only proof of her involvement. Hanging her was a message directly to me—my punishment.

Regret for many decisions I’ve made weighs heavily on my soul. And yet, despite how hard I strove throughout all of it, my father remains Outside. This has become much bigger than just saving the Taken, though. Sebastian has become a power monger, reigning with a terror I fear even King Hart couldn’t have matched.

Deep down, I know I never could’ve changed what Sebastian was to become. Despite everything, he’s responsible for his own actions, and he’s made his choice. I have to believe I tried my hardest to save him, or else I’ll go mad. I know what has to be done, and I won’t allow him to make me second-guess myself again.

He’s called out the Rebels, exposed us, and I know exactly why.

Sebastian said he refuses to hide himself away as his father did. King Hart, even in death, has planned out his control over his son by using the Rebels as his excuse, claiming they were the reason he lived in fear. Sebastian’s vanity will never allow him to hide away in such a manner.

He wants the threat gone. He desires to rule the realm with a power that will make him a legend, and he can’t do that tucked away in a secret chamber.

My mind releases its burdened thoughts as Devlan guides me toward his tent. Tomorrow, I will have to do battle, to give myself over to the trained fighter inside me.

But this night, I’m his.


Before morning brings the light, I wake Hadley, take her to the Rebel leader’s tent, and introduce her to Fallon and Silas. Fallon decides Hadley will help Silas monitor the Taken Outside, and I thank her for keeping my friend safe from the coming war.

As I drink a cup of stout, Rebel-brewed coffee, Silas shows her how to work the monitors. “You can pan all areas, but only watch a section at a time.” He taps a key. “Hit record for the unwatched sectors, to check later. Make sure nothing goes undetected.”

The screen slowly scans the Rebel camp, and I latch onto the corner of the table and lean in closer. I point to the screen. “Silas, stop. Who’s that?”

He hits another key, and the monitor zooms in. Cecily. She’s here in the camp, and she’s wounded.

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