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Fireblood (Fireblood 1)

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“We will.” Devlan turns on me and grips my arms. “We will, Zara,” he says more forcefully. “But where are the knights?”

I look around the inner hall, trying to think past the scene on the battlefield. He’s right. The knights should be here, guarding the castle and readying reinforcements to go into battle.

“They might be out ridding the realm of monsters.” I search his face, pale and creased with apprehension. My hopeful words feel false even to me. “But Sebastia

n is not concerned for the citizens’ safety when he’s called his enemy to his door.”

“No,” Devlan says, turning and scanning the castle. “He’s not concerned about that at all.”

“What are you two waiting for?” someone says from behind us.

I turn, sword raised.

“Whoa. And here I thought we were friends.” A small smile quirks Xander’s lips.

“Xander.” Devlan steps up to him. “Where have you been?”

“Our fearless leader is a bad influence on me.” Xander holds out a handful of empty vials. Then his eyes turn serious as he looks over the field. “What’s happening? Where’s Fallon?”

How has Xander been here and not known about the Taken? Devlan asks before I can. “Don’t you know?”

Xander’s face pinches with anxiety. “Know what? I’ve been locked up.”

“Why?” Devlan asks.

“I blew my cover…it’s a long story. I only just escaped in time to—” Xander shakes his head. “Where’s Fallon?!”

“Here,” Fallon calls. She and Silas run toward us from the opposite wing. Throwing her arms around Xander, she says, “I should’ve ordered you to stay put.”

His hands rub her arms, relief washing over his face.

Fallon pulls away, taking the vials from his hand. “Did it work?”

“Yes. And it was no easy feat. I had to spike the drinking water. But I learned from the best.” He winks at her. “They’re asleep on the front castle grounds, dreaming of fine maidens.”

I’m obviously missing some secret between them, but there’s no time to question it. I step up to them. “Did what work?”

“Xander drugged the knights,” Fallon says. “It’s part of the reason he came back.” She glances at him, and something unsaid passes between them. “But I’m sorry, Zara. I had no idea about—” She breaks off.

Xander moves toward the open arch and watches the white-blue currents bloom over the field. “The Taken.”

Fallon nods, her eyes cast at the ground. “Hadley and Cecily alerted me only moments before the Rebels attacked, but it was too late. The Outside monitors were set on a loop, to look like the Taken were in Morgana. Our transmission died as Silas and I got inside Court. I couldn’t stop the battle once the Taken engaged us.”

“We can only make Sebastian order them to stand down at this point.” Devlan glances over my shoulder. “If we even have enough time to save them.”

I see my father’s pale face in my mind. “Let’s find His Highness,” I say, and turn to leave. Only Xander’s words halt my retreat.

“The Force is guarding Sebastian,” he says. “They’re waiting for us.”

Devlan draws his sword. “Then let’s not keep them waiting much longer.”

Fallon and Xander both ready their weapons, and I grip the hilt of my sword tighter, wishing I had my father’s dagger. I glance once more at the battlefield. Rebels are losing their lives, some probably at the hands of the people they love. The bloodshed must end. I’ll get my father’s dagger back. And my father.

The four of us head deeper into the castle, and before we reach the main hall, the fight is upon us. Knights of the Force attack from all sides. I turn and lock swords with one as he comes from behind me.

Adrenaline spikes my blood, and a scream rips from my throat as my sword meets his, forcing him backward. Another knight takes up a position at his side, and I retreat.

“Here.” Devlan tosses me a dagger. I catch it just in time to block another blow from the second knight.

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