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My Boyfriend's Dad (The Forbidden Fun)

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“For sure. By the way, this is my girlfriend, Serenity Smith. Serenity, this is Jim Camden, and he’s a major asset to this firm.”

Jim blushes. “Thanks, boss.”

Julian nods.

“You keep working the way you did on this case, and we’ll be taking the world by storm.”

The chubby man blushes, but then we move on to the next person. Every time I meet someone new, Julian introduces me as his girlfriend. At first, I’m a bit tongue-tied, but then I get used to the honor. It’s nice to be with Mr. Holt, and I can see how much his employees respect and look up to him. Besides, they’re very nice people. I was expecting a bunch of stuck-up snobs who think they’re too good to socialize with a waitress, but everyone goes out of their way to be friendly. Of course, it could be because I’m the boss’s date, but I’ll take it.

Julian and I mingle and snack on the food being served, and I’m surprised at how much fun I’m having. But after about twenty minutes, Julian whispers in my ear.

“You ready to go?”

I turn to him with confusion in my eyes.

“But we just got here!”

He grins. “Sweetheart, no one can really relax with the boss standing at their elbow. So I make it a point to show my face, but I don’t stay too long. After we exit, then the real party starts.”

I giggle, raising a hand to cover my laugh.

“Okay, let’s go then,” I whisper back. “I’m ready.”

We grab our jackets, say a few goodbyes, and then head out to his car. He holds my hand during the drive back, but it’s only once we’re back at the mansion that he pulls me in close.

“I was so proud to be seen with you,” he breathes in my ear, those blue eyes intense. “Everyone loved you, and you even charmed that old coot who works for me, Willie Light.”

“Willie?” I giggle. “I think he’d like any woman who has a pulse.”

Julian nods. “Yeah, but he liked you the most.”

I giggle again before growing serious.

“But weren’t you embarrassed or nervous to have me meet your employees?”

He shakes his head, blue eyes puzzled. “Not even a little bit, Serenity. You’re gorgeous, obviously smart, and can hold your own in a conversation. Why would I be embarrassed?”

I blush. “Well, because of how we met. I mean, I didn’t know anyone well, but I recognize some of your co-workers from around town. Medina’s a small place, and I’m pretty sure a few of them have seen Stewie and me together this past year.”

Julian kisses me, allaying my fears. “That doesn’t matter, honey. So what if they saw? It was a long time ago, and you’re not dating Stewie anymore. Now, you’re all mine.”

I like the sound of that and melt into his strong arms.

“Good,” I breathe. “Because I want to show you some things I learned reading that women’s magazine I subscribe to.”

His black brows raise.

“The one about health and beauty?”

“Yes, that one,” I giggle. “But you know there’s a sexual health section too, and they recently had an article called, “Toys for You and Your Man.” As a result, I have a surprise for you,” I purr, rubbing my soft breasts against the hard chest. “I think you’ll like it.”

With that, Julian’s mouth crashes down on mine and all my worries go flying out the window because no matter what, this is right. This man makes me feel cherished, loved, and so sexy, and tonight, I’m going to bring him to new heights of passion and ecstasy.



* * *

I’ve never really been a bar person, but lately, the Hard Swallow has become that place I can go to when I need a break from reality. After all, it’s dark, the drinks are strong, and sometimes, I just need to relax a bit.

“Hey, Serenity, how are you, girlfriend?” Jackie the bartender asks.

I smile. “I’m good. And you?”

The sassy redhead grins and swipes a wet rag over the gleaming countertop.

“Oh, you know, can’t complain. I’m glad you’re here early, because there’s a band going on at eight so it’s going to get crazy then. You might not be able to hear yourself think after they start their gig.”

I giggle. “That’s useful to know. But is the band any good?”

Jackie leans forward conspiratorially, and I notice that she’s wearing a tight leather vest without anything on underneath. Wow, I don’t know that I’d ever be bold enough to wear something so sexy, but the redhead is sassy and confident as she whispers across the bar. “No, but the band’s lead singer is H-O-T. Makes the gig worth it just to watch that piece of man meat gyrate on stage.”

I giggle.

“Perfect,” I nod. “Sounds like my type of music!”

Jackie giggles and slides down the bar as I look around. I’m here for dinner because Julian’s got another huge case and needs to work late tonight. I’ll miss his company, but it’s okay. When he’s not working, he uses my body to relax, and it’ll be nice to have some time off, even if I adore his touch.

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