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Ruthless (The Calvettis of New York 2)

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I sense her behind me before I hear her.

She clears her throat in warning as if I’m doing something I need to stop before she catches me.

“You’re eating my leftovers.” She laughs.

I’m on the couch with a tray of baked ravioli in my lap and a chilled water bottle next to me.

She fell asleep after we fucked. I cleaned her pussy with a warm facecloth, kissed her stomach, and before I could wrap her in a blanket, her eyes closed and she was drifting off.

That was over an hour ago.

I spent most of that time watching her sleep. I’ve never had that urge before, but I couldn’t tear myself away from her. Her hair was a tousled mess around her shoulders. Her lips were swollen and pink. She looked at peace. I wanted to imprint that moment on my mind for eternity.

Waving my fork in the air, I motion for her to sit with me. “Do you want a bite?”

Tugging on the bottom hem of the white dress shirt she’s wearing, she shakes her head. “No. I’m good.”

Her hand shifts from my shirt to her other

hand. She starts rubbing on her thumbnail. I don’t want her to regret a second of what we did.

I pat the spot next to me. “Come sit with me.”

She shuffles over on her bare feet. Tucking her legs beneath her, she settles in beside me. “It’s good ravioli, isn’t it?”

Forking a piece, I feed it to her. She parts her lips to take it, closing her eyes as she chews. When she swallows, she lets out a little moan.

Christ. I could watch that forever.

She’s the sexiest woman I’ve ever known. The kindest. The most beautiful.

“I love my grandma’s cooking,” she says, sliding a finger over her bottom lip.

I take another piece of food in my mouth. Swallowing, I place the container on the coffee table. “It’s fantastic. I understand why it’s the best place for Italian food in the state.”

Her gaze darts to me. “In the world.”

Family pride is something I’ve never felt before. I felt it in spades today. My sisters are both teachers. They followed their dreams and made them come true. They’re shaping the youth of this country.

I’m a lucky bastard to be their brother.

“Gina texted me.” She drops her gaze to her lap. “That’s what woke me.”

I inch her chin up with my index finger. “What’s on Gina’s mind at this hour?”

It’s after midnight. I suspect that her sister reached out to find out where she was or how she was. Gina knew I was on the hunt for her younger sister. She must know that I tracked her down.

When I went to grab the Calvetti’s bag, I heard Bella’s phone buzzing in her purse. I picked it up by the strap and dropped it on the floor next to my bed so it would be within reach once she woke up.

“She worries too much.” She half-laughs with a roll of her eyes. “She wanted to make sure I was alright.”

Turning to face her head-on, I cup her hand in mine. “Are you alright?”

“I’m good.” A smile tugs on the corner of her full lips. “I’m way past good.”

“Good.” Leaning forward, I take her mouth for a soft kiss.

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