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Bittersweet (The Calvettis of New York 4)

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“Porter,” Afton says his name as she spins on her heel to face him.

He ditched the chef’s jacket for a gray T-shirt from a concert tour. To be precise, it was his former band’s last concert tour. I suppose there’s something to be said for advertising your past accomplishments by wearing them on your back.

“I’m heading to a club.” He keeps his eyes trained on her face. “You and that guy you’re dating should come by, or just you if he needs to call it a night.”

“I’m standing right here,” I point out.

Porter laughs like his ignorance isn’t intentional. “I didn’t see you there.”

I’m as big as a linebacker. He fucking saw me.

I wrap an arm around Afton’s waist. That pulls a shiver from her, so I tug her closer.

“This is really a thing?” Porter eyes us up. “He’s a lot different than that guy you were engaged to. What was his name again?”

Jesus Christ.

A man can only take so much taunting from a fancy chef with a balls-to-the-wall attitude, so I do what I know will shut him the hell up.

I reach for Afton’s chin, tilt it up and press my lips to hers.

Chapter 27


I shouldn’t moan. I shouldn’t moan.

I silently chant that to myself while I tangle my fingers in the back of Luke’s hair because holy freaking fire, this man can kiss.

He tightens his grip on me before he runs the tip of his tongue over my bottom lip.

I’m lost to it all then.

I collapse under my need, and the faintest moan trails out of me.

I sense the smile on Luke’s mouth as he ups the ante and deepens the kiss.

My knees are literally weak for the first time in my life.

Somewhere in the distance, I hear my name, but I ignore it. I have to ignore it. I never want this kiss to end.

“Afton.” This time a persistent tap on my shoulder accompanies my name.

As if that’s not annoying enough, someone clears their throat in a way that is so exaggerated I’d roll my eyes if they weren’t closed tightly as I relish in the best kiss I’ve ever had.

Luke breaks our kiss but not before he nips my bottom lip with his teeth.

Desire pools deep within me because that small jarring bite of pain held the promise of so much more.

I stare into his blue eyes as a sly grin slides over his lips. “I think he’s trying to tell us that our ride is here, Afton.”

I glance toward the street to find a dark SUV idling. A man in a tight I Heart NY T-shirt and black pants races out of the driver’s door and rounds his vehicle.

“Afton?” he calls out my name with a smile. “You’re her, right?”

“She’s Afton,” Porter answers before I get a chance. “I was trying to get her attention, but you saw what was going on…”

His voice trails when I turn to face him.

Porter’s left brow is perked. The smirk on his mouth says it all. He’s amused and maybe a wee bit impressed by what he just witnessed.

“I’m sorry for doubting that you and Luke were a real couple.” He glances at Luke’s face. “That kiss was something else. I need to find a woman who will kiss me just like that.”

I bow my head to hide the rush of pink blush that’s creeping up my neck before it bolts over my cheeks.

“I hope you do,” Luke says as his hand finds mine.

I don’t glance up even though I feel him raise it before his lips brush over my palm.

“You’ll be in touch with proofs of the photos you took, Afton?”

I take a breath before meeting Porter’s gaze with my own. “Within forty-eight hours.”

“Good.” His left eye twitches just a touch.

I know what that means. The same thing happened earlier when the artichoke dish he was making came out of the oven two minutes too late. He’s disappointed.

I doubt his interest in me reached beyond a one-night stand. Regardless, I’m grateful that Porter thinks I’m taken.

I want to be taken. I want to be Luke’s for real, not just as part of a rouse to keep a celebrity chef at bay.

“I’m running late, so I’m off.” Porter gestures toward the left.

Luke doesn’t offer a goodbye. I don’t either. Instead, I stand to the side as Luke and the Uber driver load my gear before getting in the backseat.

I wait for Luke to slide in next to me, but he doesn’t.

He shuts the back door behind me before he climbs in the front passenger seat and buckles his seat belt. He does all of that without a word to me or a single glance in my direction.


“Thank you,” I whisper to Luke as he sets the bags containing my photography equipment on the floor of the foyer. “I appreciate all you did tonight.”

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