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Little Red's Riding (Seven Ways to Sin 4)

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“Do you think about it?” he asked.

“Think about what?”

“Coming back to New York, coming back to me, to us?”

“Umm.” I couldn’t admit to it. Even if the thought had crossed my mind once or twice, it was out of frustration for some petty drama I was experiencing here. A bit like the phone call I was making; petty drama, frustration, insecurities, so I run back to New York and to Aiden.

“I haven’t ruled it out,” I said. “But I’m trying to figure stuff out, you know.”

“I know. But you can also figure stuff out here in New York.”

I let his words sit a moment before saying, “We’ll see.”

“Have you been doing some horseback riding?”

“Actually, no I haven’t.” As if on cue, I got another call, from Wyatt. If ever I had any doubts as to where my heart lay, with Aiden in New York or with Wyatt in Wyoming, the speed at which I ended the call with Aiden to take Wyatt’s was more than enough evidence to set me straight.

“Aiden, I have to go. It was good talking to you.”

“I’m here for you, Ruby.”

“I know you are. Bye, Aiden. Kisses.”

I took Wyatt’s call sitting up on the couch trying to give a casual couldn’t-care-less vibe to my voice. “Hey, Wyatt. What’s up?”

“My day’s been a roller coaster ride. How has your day been?”

I looked out the window at the setting sun. “Gone,” I said. “It came and went as days do. Roller coaster in what way?”

“This morning I was in the clouds walking on sunbeams excited for our riding session. Then Wolf came round and put an end to my good spirits.”

“Sounds like Wolf.”

“Yeah, he seriously does not want to see you at the ranch.”

“You can tell him the feeling is mutual.”

“So,” Wyatt continued, “I was super bummed because I had to cancel. Now I find out, Wolf is heading out to Fort Collins for a cattle fare. In fact, he’s just left now.”

“So, the Wolf has gone?” Now I was standing, and my voice didn’t have a couldn’t-care-less vibe, but an I-care-a-lot-and-I want-to-see-you vibe.

“When the wolf’s away, the caribou shall play.”

“Wyatt, are you calling to invite me to play in your caribou games?”

He chuckled. “I have no idea what caribou games are, but I’m sure I would love to play them with you.”

Damn, Wyatt has the sexiest voice when he’s saying something sweet to me.

“I was thinking,” said Wyatt, and I was already on board for whatever he was about to say, “if you’re still up for it, we could still get that riding session in.”

“Um, yeah. I’m up for it. But won’t the late hour upset the horses’ routine?”

“What horses?”



Play it cool. Even when the hottest girl this side of the Rockies is coming by to see you. Show that you’re interested, but not too much. Even when you’re already rock hard just thinking about her, imagining her in the hay, wrapped with reins and driven like a work mule.

Cool, this mantra was going through my head as I tried on every wrinkled shirt and stained pair of jeans I had.

Cool, this was my mantra as I did and redid my hair, trying to give it that rugged yet clean no-effort look, which was actually quite hard to get right.

Cool, I said to myself as I hummed corny ballads to myself and caught myself slipping into a dance step or two as I moved around my tiny trailer.

Grayson came knocking. Perfect timing. I’d finally got my hair just right: looked like I spent no time on it yet was naturally flattering.

Grayson took one look at my trailer and laughed. He motioned to the pile of jeans on the chair. “What’s the matter, your clothes don’t fit anymore?”

“They fit.” I gave my leather waistcoat a proud tug. “Just wanted to find the right thing, the right combination, you know?”

He laughed.

“Don’t tell me you didn’t do the same thing,” I said.

“What, this?” He rocked on his heels looking down at his shiny polished boots then mimed brushing dust off his denim jacket. “I just picked it up off the floor. Looked clean enough.”

I gave my hair another quick check in the mirror.

“Come on, Romeo.” Grayson pulled me by the collar. “We’ve got to get you to the rodeo, Romeo. There’s a girl named Ruby; says she wants to do some ridin’.”

Grayson ribbed me about taking so much care in my clothes and my hair. He had a point. It wasn’t like I was going to be posing for a sexy cowboy calendar. But, as it turned out, that’s exactly what I did.

Ruby had brought her camera. Initially, she just took pictures of the horses. Then: “Wyatt, why don’t we get one of you grooming Storm?” Then: “Grayson, you can join him. Talk to each other about cowboy things. I’ll get an action shot.”

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