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Little Red's Riding (Seven Ways to Sin 4)

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I muffled my cries of pleasure in Wyatt’s rock-hard chest. “Come with me,” I said.

Wyatt pressed his cock against my chest. He grabbed my tits and pressed them together around his cock.

With my cheek against Wyatt’s chest, his cock pressed between my tits, my hips rocked in rhythm to Grayson’s thrusts.

“Faster,” said Wyatt.

Grayson complied, and Wyatt’s warm seed spilled onto my chest.

I was too exhausted to move. Wyatt sponged me down, yet I could barely feel the cool water against my skin. Instead, with my eyes closed, I could still feel the phantom hands and lips exploring my body. My hips continued to rock as if Grayson or Samuel were still inside me.

Finally, Wyatt laid himself down alongside me. I nestled my head under his chin and traced his muscles with the tips of my fingers.

“I want to stay like this for days,” I said.

Wyatt planted a kiss on the top of my head. “Sounds like a nice plan.”

I snuggled in closer still and purred like a kitten. “I love your muscles,” I murmured, and I ran the tip of my finger around his lats, learning every ridge and every cut.

The sound of approaching footsteps and the jingling of keys woke me from my stupor. I looked up at Wyatt who smiled and kissed my forehead.

“That must be Teddy,” he said. “Couldn’t be anyone else.”

As if on cue, Teddy appeared at the stable door. “What the hell?”

“Hiya, Teddy.”

Teddy, at first, was angry to see me there. I was the ‘enemy’ after all.

“When the wolf’s away,” Samuel said, “the caribou will play.”

“Well,” Teddy said after a moment’s reflection, “just make sure you don’t leave behind any incriminating evidence.” He turned to leave.

“Wait, Teddy,” I called out. “Don’t go. We’re shooting a sexy cowboy calendar.” I reached for my camera, but it was clear on the other side of the stall and I was not about to get up for it.

“Doesn’t look like you’ve done much shooting,” said Teddy.

Grayson chuckled. “Oh, believe me. We’ve done plenty of shooting.”

“Come in,” I said and beckoned him with a wave to enter.

“What did I tell you about her?” said Wyatt knowingly.

Teddy entered cautiously.

I turned to Wyatt. “What did you tell him about me?”

He caressed my cheek and kissed me on top of the head. “I told him that you were amazing. That you were worth it.”

“Worth what?”

“Worth whatever punishment Wolf could think of,” he said.

Teddy stood in the center of the stall, his hands on his hips, and perused the ground as if he were looking for any ‘incriminating evidence’.

“Hand me my camera,” I said to him.

Teddy complied.

I rolled onto my back. “The hay is itchy,” I said.

Wyatt lifted me. He scooted onto the hay then lowered me onto him. “Better?” he asked.

“Much,” I said. I pointed the camera at Teddy. “Let me see the angry supervisor who catches the stable boys in the act with the Mayor’s granddaughter.”

He chuckled and swatted the comment away. “It’s not that, Ruby. It’s…”

“Let me see it,” I said, and I placed the camera to my eye.

He scowled unconvincingly then turned to Samuel and mimicked yelling at him.

I fired off a few shots.

Teddy turned to me with an apologetic smile. “I’m not much of an actor.”

“Then channel your real anger,” I said.

Teddy looked at me wide-eyed, put his hands defensively in the air, and shook his head. “Oh, no. That wouldn’t be a good idea.”

“Why not?”

He cracked his neck. “Let’s just say I’ve been doing a lot of work on getting ahold of my emotions.”

“And it’s been working?”

He nodded. “And I’d like to keep it that way.”

Grayson scooted over to the haystacks and sat legs spread head resting on a bale of hay. “Here, in this stall, this is the place where we let go of the control of our emotions. We let them run wild.”

“Sounds dangerous,” Teddy said.

“It is,” Grayson said with a devious smile.

I shifted so that my legs now dangled over the haystack. I spread my legs and in mock modesty covered my pussy with straw. I held the camera to my eye and slid my other hand down to pet my pussy. “You’ve just walked in the stable and found the naughty rancher’s daughter pleasuring herself. What are you going to do?”

Teddy stood before the stack of hay I was lying on, his legs shoulder-width apart. I brought my knees in like a vice gripping him by the thighs. He glanced over at Samuel who was leaning back on the overturned bucket in the corner.

“She’s come round these stables,” Samuel said, “corrupting your boys with her luring conniving guiles.”

I ran my tongue over my lips and slipped a finger in my vagina.

“You, as the supervisor,” continued Samuel, “need to teach her a lesson.”

I slid down Wyatt’s body to get closer to Teddy. My head now rested in the crux of Wyatt’s ribcage. He slid his hand under my head for better support and rubbed my scalp with his firm fingers. I imitated his rhythm with my fingers stroking my snatch waiting for my punishment from Teddy the Supervisor.

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