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Little Red's Riding (Seven Ways to Sin 4)

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Samuel took a seat next to me. Grayson and Teddy were more restless. They paced the porch and huffed, took turns looking into the house through the window then went back to pacing and huffing.

Our wait—all but five minutes, at most—paid off. Not by Ruby coming home while we were waiting for her on her porch, but by her poking her head out of the neighbor’s window and calling us over.

“Wyatt! Teddy!”

We turned our heads to see Ruby waving enthusiastically. She was also standing at the window stark naked. That always adds a nice touch to an enthusiastic wave.

I waved back, and the four of us casually strutted across the lawn as if it was another typical day in our typical cowboy lives: another hot naked girl standing, perky breasts at attention, at the window calling us over. I took off my hat to her when we arrived. “‘Afternoon, Ruby.”

“Is it afternoon already?” She said hello to Teddy, Samuel and Grayson then told us to hang on a moment. “I’ve got to get dressed. I’ll be out in a minute.”

“Don’t get dressed on our account,” offered Teddy.

Before she could respond, a voice called out from inside the room—a man’s voice. “More friends from New York?”

I glanced at Samuel. He was stone-faced, as usual. Grayson looked surprised, but neither he nor Teddy showed any sign that they felt as betrayed as I did at that moment.

“No,” Ruby responded over her shoulder. “These are my friends from the rodeo.”

“One minute,” said Ruby, turning back around and lifting a vertical index finger in the air.

“Invite them in,” another voice called out from inside—a different male voice.

I wasn’t trying to steal a peek or spy. But Ruby stood with the curtains open wide and I clearly saw two men lying buck naked on a bed.

Okay, so no need to stress about how I imagine our future together. For her, we are nothing more than a fling. She’s already made her choice, and she’s chosen casual and temporary.

I glanced at Teddy wondering if he saw it too, but Teddy had his eyes on Ruby’s tits.

“We just came to return your phone,” I said. “And your keys. You left them at the stables. Guess we picked a bad time.” I made no effort to change my voice and hide the hurt it betrayed.

“No, you’ve picked a great time. Just give me a minute. I’ll be out in a sec.”

She left the window, shutting the curtains behind her. I turned and started to sulk away but stopped to give Teddy her phone and her keys.

“What’s this for?” he asked.

“They're hers. I don’t feel like talking to her.”

“Oh, don’t be like that.”

“You saw that,” I said. “She’s sleeping with two other guys.”

Teddy smirked and motioned behind him to Grayson and Samuel. “She’s sleeping with five other guys. And what I saw was her tits! Damn, she’s got great tits.”

I shook my head and chuckled.

“Am I wrong?” he said.

“No, no. You raise a good point.”

He jabbed me in the ribs with an elbow and said in a mock vaudeville voice, “She raises a good point if you get my meaning.”



Rodeo boys, they can be such drama queens. I told myself that while I was taking a long hot shower. I told myself a lot of things I didn’t believe.

From Gran’s house just yesterday morning, I’d been rescued from a nightmare and whisked away into a dream—back in Lincoln’s arms, Ryder in mine—only to wake to reality all too soon. After Aiden had appeared to me, seemingly out of nowhere, I saw Wyatt and Teddy and Grayson and Samuel at my doorstep. Delivered to me by the generous whims of fate, I thought, to greet my waking from a dream with an even richer dream still.

Instead, it was the cruel caprice of reality who waited for me when I woke.

Wyatt and Teddy and Grayson and Samuel did come to me; my eyes had not deceived me. But my naive hopeful heart had. Wyatt saw me with Lincoln and Ryder, and he was visibly not as amused by the idea as he had been at the ranch when he heard about my threesome with Samuel and Grayson. Whatever he was feeling, he tried to cover it up with demonstrative indifference and passive-aggressive comments.

“We just came to drop off your stuff.” He dumped my phone and my keys hastily in my hand, turned, and walked away.

“Wait, Wyatt. Come in and meet the guys who saved my life.”

He looked back at me with a confused expression on his face. Grayson asked what I was talking about. Apparently, they hadn’t heard about the attack.

Teddy wouldn’t let me finish the story. As soon as I mentioned that Wolf had barged into Gran’s with two of his goons, he cut me off and went off on a tirade of all the things he was going to do to Wolf when he caught him.

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