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Little Red's Riding (Seven Ways to Sin 4)

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We’ll see just how willing you are to share,” I said, addressing all seven of my men, “Because I want you all at once.”

I had to bury myself in Wyatt’s arms, curl and press my body around and against his, as greedy hands and thirsty lips fell on me from all around. Wyatt eased a finger into my wet snatch. I grabbed Samuel by the back of the head and pulled him to me while my other hand gripped tight to Wyatt’s chest.

Wyatt entered me. I threw my head back and let out a loud uncontrolled moan.

Grayson had mounted the haystack. He stood behind me. While his hand ran possessively up my back to brush my hair, I could feel his cock stiffen against my ribs.

Teddy knelt at my side. He bowed his head to take my breast in his mouth. I felt his cock stiffen at my touch. I rubbed circles around the tip in sync with Wyatt’s slow and steady gyrations.

I kissed Samuel hastily, my mouth finding his chin then his jaw in quick desperate bites. He seized me with both hands and held me still. “Damn,” he uttered then he plunged his mouth to mine, sucked my lips, and licked my tongue.

Lincoln’s mouth was on my knee. While his hands stroked my leg I could feel his cock stiffen against my ankle. I lifted my foot and ran my toes across his balls and along the length of his cock.

I pulled free from Samuel’s embrace. I hardly had the time to breathe before Aiden’s mouth was on mine. His tongue ran lightly across my lips. I reached out to him and touched him with my fingertips. He quivered as I ran my hand down his chest and belly and to his crotch where his long hard erection greeted me eagerly.

Beneath me, Wyatt started to accelerate, his thrust becoming more desperate and insistent. I pulled away. “You’re not coming yet,” I said to him. “I’ve got a lot more for you to do.”

I lost my footing on the hay as I tried to stand. It was Teddy who caught me, but quickly more hands were on me, feeling me, groping me, pulling me, and Teddy’s head was at my crotch searching with his tongue all my places of pleasure.

I gasped and it was Ryder who turned my face to his. He put his hand behind my head and brought me to him, forehead to forehead, nose to nose. He resisted my kisses but looked at me intently. I could feel his cock pressing against my hip harden as the intensity in his eyes deepened. And I wanted it in me.

I had to be quick. Already, Teddy had my legs spread and was tracing my labia with the tip of his cock. I rolled back, pulling my knees to my chest, turned, and wrapped my legs around Ryder’s waist.

I put a hand on Teddy’s chest. “In a minute, dear,” I said to him. Then Ryder rammed his big thick cock into me, and I arched back and let out a cry of pleasure. “We have to share,” I tried to say, but my words were lost in grunts and moans.

Ryder fucked me, then Teddy fucked me, then Grayson and Samuel and Lincoln and Aiden.

I crawled across the hay to Wyatt who sat, legs spread, his back against the door.

He reached out to me as if I was going to collapse into his arms. Instead, I grabbed him by the wrists and pulled him off the wall. “Now, I’m ready for you,” I said. “Are you ready for me?”

He shook his head, but his hands were already on my breasts and his cock was already stiff in my hands.

“Well, I’m coming,” I said, “ready or not.”

I was on him, riding him, his bucking hips plunging him deeper and deeper into me. I turned from side to side and let my flailing hands land on hard-muscled men standing all around me smiling and cheering and sharing.



A few weeks before the rodeo, I received a call from journalist Isabel Perez. She was writing a series of pieces on women who worked in male-dominated fields and wanted to interview me. Of course, I agreed, more publicity for the rodeo couldn’t hurt.

“It would be easier,” I said to her, “if you could come by the house. I have to look after the baby. I’d prefer not to take her into town with me.”

“You’re a stunt rider and a mother?” Isabel responded. “Wow, this is going to be a great piece.”

“A stunt horse trainer, actually. I think I’ve put my riding days behind me… mostly.”

For a well-regarded investigative journalist, Isabel Perez was much younger than I expected, cheerful and vivacious, and we took to each other instantly.

“Honestly,” I said, “for a piece about a woman succeeding in a male-dominated field, I think you, as a successful journalist, are more qualified to speak on this than I am.”

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