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The Kindred Warrior's Captive Bride

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Lan’ara put down her tablet in order to digest this particular nugget of information. She’d always known that Need enjoyed tasting her, but could it be that the big Kindred was in the same dire need she was, right at this very moment? Could he be craving her the way she was craving him?

If so, Lan’ara thought she knew a way she could get her own needs met without letting things get too personal again. No matter what happened, she didn’t want to lose the autonomy she had gained, but she couldn’t go on with her body stuck in a constant loop of unrequited desire and denial. She had to do something.

And now she knew exactly what to do…


Need was sitting on the couch, reading—or trying to read, anyway—when he heard a firm knock on his door.

He frowned and put down his tablet, wondering who it could possibly be. Captain Glo’ll usually didn’t bother him on his off-hours unless there was some kind of emergency and the rest of the crew knew he was a private person who rarely socialized—aside from the occasional drink he took with Psoas, that was.

Of course, it was out of the question that the person at his door could be Lan’ara. She never spoke to him now—not that Need could blame her. She had the right to be angry with him the rest of her life if she wanted to and he fully expected she would be.

Now that he could no longer have her, he understood exactly what he had lost. She had begun to truly blossom as a member of the crew of The Dark Star and her new confidence was sexier and more attractive than her subservience had ever been. She had always been beautiful but she was no longer trying to hide her intellect. The way she carried herself with such assurance and fulfilled her new duties with pride and acuity made Need want her more than ever.

And he could have had her, too, he reminded himself—if he hadn’t been so damned determined to throw away the happiness the Goddess had sent him with both hands. He cursed himself daily for the foolish, stubborn way he had acted and swore that if he ever got another chance to win Lan’ara’s heart, he wouldn’t waste it.

Not that he ever expected to.

Which was why he was so surprised when he opened the door of his quarters and saw Lan’ara standing there.

She was wearing a distractingly revealing outfit, he couldn’t help noticing—a silky white robe which contrasted beautifully with her creamy brown skin. It tied between her full breasts and ended at mid-thigh, showing her lovely legs.

“Yes?” he asked, frowning in surprise. “What can I do for you, Lan’ara?”

To his relief, she didn’t tell him to keep her name out of his mouth or call him “my Lord” in that sarcastic tone she’d used the last time they’d spoken. Instead, she nodded her head to him—clearly addressing an equal—and spoke in a businesslike voice.

“May I come in, Needrix? I have a proposition I’d like to make to you.”

“A proposition?” Need’s eyebrows lifted nearly to his hairline but he stepped aside quickly to allow her entry.

“Yes.” Lan’ara stepped into his living area and waited while he shut the door before speaking again. “Can we sit on the couch? This might take a minute to explain.”

“Yes—of course.” Need made an “after you” motion with one hand. “Would you like anything to drink?” he asked.

Lan’ara shook her head, her long waterfall of curly hair flowing with the movement. Gods, she was beautiful, Need couldn’t help thinking! He missed holding her so much it hurt, but he made himself come and sit at a respectful distance on the couch beside her.

“What can I do for you?” he rumbled, looking down at her when they were both comfortable.

“Well…” Lan’ara cleared her throat. “I think it’s what we can do for each other,” she said at last, lifting her chin to look him in the eye.

“Please explain.” Need made a “go on” gesture.

“I was reading a scientific article on the physiology of different humanoid species in the universe,” she began. “And it happened to include a part about Kindred males.”

“Oh?” Need was intrigued. He knew that his species had been well-documented in several scientific journals. They were, after all, unique in many ways from all other species in the known universe. Since the Kindred race was 95% male, they were genetic traders—constantly looking for new humanoid females to mate and bond with. They were also unique in the way they valued women and worshipped a Goddess. He wondered what aspect of his culture or biology had intrigued Lan’ara.

“Yes.” She cleared her throat. “And the article said that…that Kindred males have a biological need to taste the juices of their female. Is that true?”

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