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The Kindred Warrior's Captive Bride

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“Hang on—you’re not healed yet, girl. I’ll need to rub a bit more into you to make the flesh knit back together completely.”

“Oh, but…” Lan’ara parted her thighs again and looked uncertainly at his fingertip, which was glistening with her juices. “Don’t you, er, want to wash your hands first?” she asked uncertainly.

She had been taught at Twyleth Tigg that most males—while expecting expert oral pleasure themselves—would not return the favor.

“It’s demeaning and degrading for a man to get between your thighs, except with his shaft,” their Sexual Instruction teacher had lectured. “The men who buy Twyleth Tigg brides and concubines won’t lower themselves to such an emasculating activity. Besides, it’s distasteful—especially for those of you who produce copious amounts of nether-juice. You know who you are,” she’d added and Lan’ara had felt singled out somehow, even though the instructor had been speaking to the room at large.

All the girls at the academy had been tested, of course, to be certain they made “adequate lubrication to allow penetration”—it was just another part of the physical exam which had to be conducted to be certain a girl was fit to be a Twyleth Tigg bride.

After this test—which involved a slim, blunt probe which entered her sex and stopped just shy of her maidenhead—Lan’ara had been told she produced “an overabundance” of natural lubrication. This was the reason she had been so embarrassed when the big Kindred first spread her open and saw how slippery and wet she was inside.

Now his finger was wet too—wet with her juices. And she was certain he’d want to clean his hands before he stroked his fangs again to get more essence to heal her.

But to her surprise, Need only looked at her and shrugged, his broad shoulders rolling with the movement.

“It’s just pussy honey, girl,” he said roughly. “No Kindred worth his salt minds the taste of that.”

As though to prove his point, he put his finger in his mouth and sucked it clean before stroking his fangs once more to produce another drop of essence to rub into her flesh.

He repeated the process numerous times, slowly circling the entrance to her pussy with one gentle finger and Lan’ara found that the warmth from his essence was spreading. She felt a strange stirring inside—almost like a flower opening between her thighs. A very thirsty flower that longed to be watered, though how she didn’t know.

What was happening to her? And what had caused it? Was it his essence? Or the gentle way he continued to caress all around the entrance of her pussy, making certain she was completely healed?

Lan’ara didn’t have any idea, she only knew that her pussy had begun throbbing again, just as it had when the wash blossoms were sucking her, and she wanted more of the big Kindred’s touch—much more.

“Please my Lord,” she whispered breathlessly. “Would you…could you heal other places too?”

“Other places?” He looked up at her, his eyebrows raised. “What other places, girl?”

“My…er…” Lan’ara wasn’t certain quite how to put her request. “Earlier, when the wash blossoms were…were cleaning me,” she said. “They…that one that was…was stuck between my thighs…”

“Ah—the one that was sucking your sweet little pleasure button.” He nodded, frowning. “Go on—did it hurt you?”

“Well…” Lan’ara bit her lip. “You…you can see for yourself how…how irritated it is,” she said at last.

Gods, was she really asking him to do this? To touch her in such a secret spot? What was wrong with her, inviting such attentions? And yet somehow she couldn’t seem to stop. The hungry feeling between her legs wouldn’t let her.

“I did think so.” The big Kindred nodded. “But I wasn’t sure…I didn’t want you to feel I was, uh, abusing you,” he finished at last, and cleared his throat.

“You’re not,” Lan’ara assured him quickly. “Please, my Lord…” She shifted her hips and parted her outer pussy lips just a little wider, exposing her inner folds more fully to him. “If you don’t mind…”

“Of course I don’t mind healing you, girl,” he growled. “Didn’t I tell you I’d take care of you?”

He placed his finger in his mouth again, lapping away her pussy juice before milking another drop of pale blue essence.

This time he rubbed the droplet in a gentle circle, not into the entrance of her pussy, but directly around the throbbing button of her clit.

Pleasure shot through her and Lan’ara had to bite back a moan. Her hips twitched and she caught her breath as she leaned into his touch, her body begging for more.

He stopped for a moment, frowning.

“All right?” he asked, eyebrows raised. “Did I hurt you?”

“N-no my Lord,” Lan’ara panted. “In fact, it’s starting to feel better. But I think…if you could just…just give me a little more?”

His gaze softened.

“Of course I will, girl. As much as you want.”

He milked another droplet from his fangs and began the slow circling again, his other hand still stroking her inner thigh, as though to help her relax and open for him.

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