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Protecting His Mistress (Kindred Tales)

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Karn moved obligingly, bending down so she could wash his shoulders and back and holding out his arms so she could soap his massive biceps. Goddess, he was just so big all over, Lilli couldn’t help thinking. But the part that was really big was the one she’d been putting off until last.

Finally there was nothing left to wash but the Kindred’s massive shaft. Biting her lip, she looked up into his eyes as the soapy glove hovered over his equipment.

Karn nodded slightly.

“Go on, little Mistress. I don’t mind your hands on me.”

“Thank you,” Lilli whispered. She didn’t care what her mother said, she didn’t like to touch him so intimately without his permission. Taking a deep breath, she wrapped her sponge-gloved hand around his shaft and began to stroke slowly up and down.

A low groan broke from his lips as she soaped him. Lilli froze at once, her hand in mid-stroke.

“Did I hurt you?” she exclaimed. “Was I too hard?”

“No, little Mistress.” His mismatched eyes were half-lidded as he looked down at her. “You didn’t hurt me—the opposite. Feels damn good to have your soft little hand on me—even with the sponge glove between us.”

“Oh, it…it does?” Lilli bit her lip. “How good does it feel? I mean, are you going to…to spill your seed?”

He raised his eyebrows.

“Do you want me to spill my seed, little Mistress?”

“I…I don’t know.” Lilli felt like she was blushing all over her body at once. “I…the girls at the convent…one of them brought in a vid—a porno vid—and lots of us watched it before…before the Sisters confiscated it.”

“So I take it there was a jerk-off scene in this vid you saw?” he rumbled.

Lilli frowned.


“Where someone strokes a male’s shaft until he shoots his seed,” he explained, still giving her that half-lidded look. “The way you’re stroking mine now.”

“I…I’m cleaning you,” Lilli protested.

“Mmm-hmm.” He nodded. “Keep cleaning then if you really do want to see my seed. I won’t be able to hold back if you keep stroking.”

Lilli bit her lip. Should she do this? Her mother had said nothing about it—but she had said the big Kindred would have to get used to Lilli’s touch. Still, maybe she had better not. Though she kind of wanted to…

“Lilliana, aren’t you ready yet?” Lady Mirabella’s voice calling from the com box in the corner of the room made her gasp and jerk her hand away from the big Kindred’s shaft. “Hurry up! The banquet is in less than an hour!” her mother shouted through the com system.

“Almost ready, Mother,” she called back loudly.

“Very well, then. Hurry! I’ve left the shaft oil and stay-hard band out on your dresser. Oh, and a pair of nipple drops—wear them with the green outfit we talked about—they’re all the rage right now.”

Lilli heard the com box click off and breathed a sigh of relief.

Karn had gone as tense as she had when her mother was shouting. Now he relaxed somewhat and gave her that lopsided grin of his.

“Looks like it’ll have to be later on if you want me to spill my seed for you, little Mistress,” he rumbled.

“Yes, I…I guess so.” Lilli nodded. “I, uh, think you’re clean enough now. Maybe we’d better get out of the shower.”

“As my lady wishes,” he murmured and looked pointedly down at his shaft. “But you’ll have to stop soaping me in that case.”

“Oh!” Lilli realized that her hand had crept back to his thick shaft, which was still just as long and hard as ever, and she was slowly stroking him up and down. What was wrong with her? She jerked her hand away. “I…I didn’t mean to,” she blurted.

“Doesn’t matter.” Karn shrugged, his broad shoulders rolling with the motion. “You’ll have to touch me again in a minute when you oil me up.”

Lilli supposed he was right. But she was still embarrassed about how much she wanted to touch him. It didn’t seem right to want that—he was, after all, only a bodyslave—only a male and thus inferior, at least according to Yonnite society. She shouldn’t feel so attracted to his body or be flattered that he was attracted to hers.

But she would have to think about her confusing feelings later. Right now the banquet was coming up.

“Well, let’s get out of the shower,” she said briskly, putting down the soap glove. “Come on—step out onto the mat and you’ll be dried by the blowers,” she told Karn.

“Yes, little Mistress,” he rumbled and did as she asked.


The blowers were two nozzles mounted in the ceiling above the entrance to the shower that rotated and shot jets of hot air at him as soon as Karn stepped out of the shower. They felt good and dried him off in no time but damn if his shaft wasn’t still throbbing from the touch of his new Mistress’s hand!

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