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Protecting His Mistress (Kindred Tales)

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Karn gave her a look that was half lazy lust and half amusement.

“Baby, I’m there for anything to do with your soft little pussy.” He grinned. “Besides, we need to get my seed off your mound—you can’t go around sticky all day.”

“Okay,” Lilli said. “But…” She nibbled her bottom lip.

“Yes, baby?” Karn had already dropped to his knees before her and he looked up to meet her eyes. “What is it? Getting worried about me using the shaver?”

“No.” Lilli shook her head. “It’s just…can we leave the seed that’s inside me? Inside my, uh, inner pussy, I mean?” She could feel her cheeks heating but she made herself go on. “I mean, I understand we need to wash it away from my outer mound but I want what you shot inside me to stay. It…makes me feel better. Makes me feel good.”

Karn’s mismatched eyes were half-lidded.

“Of course, baby. If you want to keep my cum in your pussy all day, that’s up to you. It’s just a damn good thing I’m a Hybrid.”

“I’m glad you are too,” Lilli admitted. It was good to remove the threat of pregnancy from this equation—especially since she really didn’t feel ready to have a baby she would have to raise alone.

“All right then,” Karn murmured. Gently, he pinched her outer pussy lips closed and flipped the on-switch on the shaver. At once, a short beam of red light—about three inches long and very finely collimated—shot out of one end. “Now hold still,” he murmured. “We’ll have you all nice and smooth in no time…”


Karn couldn’t believe how neatly and quickly everything was coming together. He hadn’t even been in Mistress Mirabella’s home for two days and already he was being handed the keys to his mission on a silver platter.

Of course, he admitted to himself uneasily, he did feel a little guilty about who was handing him those keys. He liked Lilli—liked her a hell of a lot—and he felt bad about deceiving her.

But it’s not like I’ll be in her life for long, he told himself. I’ll be gone almost before she knows it. And she’ll forget me pretty quickly.

But would she? Karn wondered as he stood behind her chair, watching her eat her First Meal. She’d asked him to sit and eat with her, but he hadn’t thought it was a good idea. Not when her mother might walk in at any moment. Instead, he’d had H’rare slip him a protein bar which staved off hunger and kept him lean and alert.

He knew that he would never forget Lilli—who even now was wearing his seed inside her creamy little pussy. Creamy because he had shot inside her—well, inside her inner folds, anyway. Gods, the memory of her pointing the head of his cock at her spread pussy still had the power to make his shaft hard.

Luckily, he was wearing trousers with a crotch today, so his state of arousal wasn’t quite so evident. Apparently as long as they were just staying in and not going to any banquets, it was all right for a bodyslave to be covered.

Karn was grateful for that. A male’s shaft and balls got damn cold hanging out in the open, as they had been all day yesterday. And he also thought—

“Ah, Lilliana—there you are. Finally out of bed, I see.” Mistress Mirabella’s sharp, shrewish voice cut through the thoughts in his head as cleanly as a laser cutting through clay.

“Oh, hello Mother.” Lilli looked up quickly and put down the piece of toasted pengu bread she’d been eating. “How are you this morning?”

“This morning?” Lady Mirabella sniffed. “Why it’s nearly afternoon by now. Honestly, Lilli, what were you doing in bed so long today?”

Lilli’s cheeks went red and she started to stutter out a reply. But Mistress Mirabella cut her off with a wave of her hand.

“I understand if you feel the need to self-pleasure. Lady Tempertant did tell me that the quick-grow hormones you were injected with would cause increased libido. Tell me, do you need any toys?”

“T-toys?” Lilli stuttered, her face scarlet.

“Oh, of course you do.” Mistress Mirabella snapped her fingers. “Because those wretched Sisters of Chastity and Humility wouldn’t allow you to have any. Well, I’ll have a selection sent up to your rooms for later, when you have time.”

“Um, thank you, Mother,” Lilli said faintly. She looked mortified, poor thing, Karn thought. Clearly she still wasn’t used to the blatant sexuality of the Yonnite culture. Though she appeared to have no problem opening up to him. He couldn’t help remembering the way she’d spread her legs for him and moaned as he explored her pussy…

“…out all day today.” Lady Mirabella’s sharp voice cut through his thoughts again.

“Where will you go?” Lilli asked, looking up at her mother.

“Out on business. I won’t require you to accompany me today, as I know you’re still breaking in your new bodyslave,” her mother said. She gave Karn a sharp look. “How he working out, by the way?”

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