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Secret Santa Surprise (Kindred Tales)

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“You and I know that,” Strong pointed out. “Most human females don’t. Besides…” He took another sip of his coffee. “Even if they didn’t think we would be rough with them, they would still fear our size. Especially the size of our merged shafts.”

“Well, there’s bonding fruit to ease the way for our shafts,” Clear pointed out.

“They don’t know about the bonding fruit unless we tell them, and it’s damn awkward to bring up in conversation—especially when you’re just getting to know a female,” Strong pointed out. “I mean, what am I supposed to say—

‘Hello, lovely one, I know I’m much bigger and stronger than the males you’re used to and you’re frightened of the fact that I have a brother who will need to share you with me, but please don’t be afraid—I have a special substance which will allow you to open up to take both our shafts at once inside your tender little body?’”

He arched an eyebrow at Clear, who sighed and nodded.

“Yes, that’s not exactly what you want to lead with,” he agreed. Then he brightened. “But maybe Melanie can put something about bonding fruit in her information vid about Twin Kindred. If you’re right and our size and strength and the need we have to do ‘double penetration’ is why human females fear us, then it would be good for them to know there is nothing to fear because the bonding fruit will ease the way.”

“That might be a good idea.” Strong nodded. “You should mention it to her when you see her tonight. Just don’t get your hopes too high, Brother,” he added. “Don’t forget—she hasn’t met me yet. And I’m much more likely to scare her away than you are.”

“You won’t scare her away. You just need to smile more,” Clear protested. “The fact that you’re two inches taller than me and so stern all the time is a little frightening but if you’d just make the effort…”

“I do make an effort,” Strong protested. “But none of the eligible human females I’ve met responds.”

“Maybe we haven’t found the right female yet,” Clear told him. “Maybe Melanie is the one.”

“Have you dreamed of her?” Strong asked. “And do you know if she’s dreamed of you?”

Dream Sharing was commonly known to be a sure sign that the Goddess intended a male and female or in this case two males and a female to be together.

Clear frowned.

“To be honest, I’m not sure. I’ve dreamed of a sweet, feminine scent and long, silky brown hair…”

“Any number of human women smell good and have long brown hair,” Strong pointed out.

“True.” Clear sighed. “I don’t know if the dreams are about her or not.”

“And you don’t know if she’s dreamed of you—or us—either,” Strong pointed out.

“True.” Clear nodded. “But I’m not giving up,” he said stubbornly. “Melanie is beautiful. She’s an Elite and you know we could never hope to attract one of those on Twin Moons.”

Elites were rare on their home planet and only males with the highest status could hope to attract and bond one.

“What makes you think we can attract one here?” Strong demanded. “Neither of us has more than five years of experience in our prospective fields. Is she young and inexperienced and likely to accept mates who are the same?”

“Well…no,” Clear had to admit. “The opposite, in fact. She is an expert in her field and, though I am not a good judge of human age, I heard her telling our coworker, Sonja, that she is ‘closer to forty than to thirty.’”

“So she’s more than ten cycles our senior?” Strong looked at him in disbelief. “Brother, I’m sorry to kill your dreams, but what in the universe makes you think a beautiful older woman—an Elite, no less—would be interested in two younger males without much status like us?”

“I know it sounds preposterous, but it’s a feeling I get when I’m around her,” Clear said stubbornly. “Her cheeks grow pink and her breathing becomes faster. Her pupils dilate. I think she finds me attractive. And I’m sure she would find you attractive as well, if you’d ever come to meet her. We do have essentially the same facial features, even though our hair and eye coloring is very different.” While Clear had sandy brown hair and green eyes, his twin had black hair and dark blue eyes.

“I don’t know…” Strong shook his head. “I’m afraid you’re just fooling yourself, Brother. Or maybe you’re not—maybe she does find you attractive,” he went on. “But I’m sure the moment she met me, she’d run the other direction from both of us.”

“I’m sure you’d be proven wrong if you’d just come meet her,” Clear said, frowning. “If you’d ever drop by my work, the way I drop by yours. Or, I know…” He brightened. “You can come to our office Christmas party! Families are welcome and best of all, I drew Melanie’s name in the Secret Satan gift-giving ritual.” He frowned. “Or is it Secret Santa? I have such a difficult time remembering…”

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