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The Priestess and the Thief

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“No—don’t leave me!” Elli thrusts her breast more fully into his big hand and rubs against him. Her whole body is on fire with need! “Please,” she begs, “Kiss me again—touch me some more!”

“Mmm, but I shouldn’t, little priestess…” Still, he allows her to pull him down for another long, sweet, lingering kiss. Elli slips her tongue between his lips and explores him eagerly. He makes a low growl in his chest and lifts her up, deepening the kiss as he pulls her close.

Elli feels like she can’t get enough. Her whole body is alight with desire and for once it doesn’t feel like a sin to indulge herself. She can do whatever she wants tonight and there is no one here to stop her. No stepmother, glaring at her and saying she ought to be ashamed, no Priestess Superior with her cold, judgmental eye. No one telling her it is wrong to do things that feel so good…so right.

She presses against the dark stranger eagerly and then takes one of his big hands—the one not busy fondling her breasts—and attempts to slip it under her robe.

She is bare beneath—having not been fitted for her special undergarments yet—and for a moment, she feels his fingertips brush the sensitive top of her mound. How she longs to feel those long fingers slip into her slippery inner folds and touch her secret spot—the one she’s never supposed to touch herself.

She knows she shouldn’t touch herself there—and she certainly shouldn’t let a male touch her there—but somehow, since she drank the punch, it seems all right. It seems perfectly fine to indulge the hidden desires she’s had for so long, the ones she only takes out and examines in the privacy of her own bed at night…

The male’s fingertips slip for just a moment into her slit and she feels him brush over the tingling button of her secret spot. Goddess, it feels so good!

But then he is pulling away—drawing back—a frown on his dark features.

“Forgive me, little virgin priestess, but I must go before I do something we both will regret,” he rumbles.

“Wait—no, please don’t go!” Elli begs him. But he is already gliding noiselessly out of the door and through the human party. No one sees him go—wearing the red hat with the white furry ball at the end, he blends in with the other Christmastime revelers.

Only Elli is left, standing alone, feeling as though her entire body has been plucked like a lyric-harp string and then left wanting and alone…


Elli woke up with a gasp, her hands going automatically to her breasts and sex—the parts of her that always tingled with need whenever she had the dream. She looked around but she was alone in her narrow cot in the priestess’s quarters, which were on the level of the Mother Ship directly beneath the Sacred Grove.

She gave a sharp sigh of frustration. She’d taken the antidote to the drug the mystery male had put in the punch. But though it had dispelled her depression, which was apparently the after-effect of the drug—it hadn’t stopped the dreams or caused the incessant desires they brought with them to lessen a bit.

Then again, she had always had wrong and illicit desires, Elli admitted to herself. The drug and the dream hadn’t caused them—they had only made them worse…more visible. They had exposed her secrets and made her vulnerable to the Ascending Priestess Superior, just like she had been vulnerable when her stepmother caught her touching her secret spot after the lights were out and everyone was supposedly asleep…

Elli had thought it was safe. She was in her room alone and the whole house had gone to bed. That was the only reason she had dared to take all of her clothing off and lay on top of the covers in the first place. Well that and the fact that it was a dreadfully hot night. She’d had the window open and a cool breeze had been blowing in. It felt delicious against her naked flesh and it made the tight little peaks of her nipples tingle as it brushed along her skin.

The tingling in her nipples had awakened another kind of tingling ache between her thighs. She had spread her legs and just for a moment allowed her hand to drift down to cup her mound. Somehow her fingers had slipped between her slippery nether lips—she was wet there, as usual—and started to stroke around and around her secret spot.

It had felt so good that Elli hadn’t even heard the soft, sneaking footsteps outside her room. So she had been completely surprised when her stepmother had flung open the door and caught her doing the unthinkable.

Why you filthy girl! How dare you lay here as naked as the day you were born and abuse yourself like this? Have you no decency? No honor? You have shamed yourself and this whole family!

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