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The Priestess and the Thief

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“The breeder tried to explain to His Highness that the zorel he wanted was wild and there was no taming him, for he had kicked his way out of the paddock and run free several cycles before,” the Duchess said.

“But of course His Majesty wouldn’t stand for excuses,” the Duke said proudly. “He sent all his men to capture Demon and break him to the saddle and I believe that is when the unfortunate deaths occurred.”

“How were they breaking him? Or trying to break him?” Elli asked, frowning. For herself, she didn’t even like the term “breaking.” When she trained a zorel to the saddle, there was no breaking or forcing involved. It was more of an agreement between the two of them. For once the zorel understood what she wanted, it was almost always eager to comply.

“The usual way, I suppose.” The Duke shrugged. “With pain prods and such.”

“Pain prods?” Elli was horrified. “But that’s no way to treat a living creature! Goddess, no wonder the poor dear got upset!”

“That ‘poor dear’ killed three grooms in a matter of minutes, Lady Ellilah,” the Duke said dryly. “He’s a brute—I recommend you don’t take him lightly.”

“Of course I won’t,” Elli said. “But at least now I know why he was upset.”

“So you don’t use pain prods when you break a zorel to the saddle?” the Duchess asked, raising her snow-white eyebrows.

“Absolutely not,” Elli said firmly. “I never use any kind of pain.”

“Well, then this morning’s exhibition should be very interesting to see.”

The fruity voice behind her could belong to only one person. And from the way that the Duke and Duchess immediately got up and bowed low, Elli knew it must be the Crown Prince.

She and Roke rose and bowed as well before looking up to see that the Prince was draped in pale gold velvet and silver lace. His flat, frog-like face looked odd perched on top of the large, ruffled collar he wore which was quite three feet in circumference.

“Good morning, Your Majesty,” Elli said respectfully.

“Yes, to you as well, my dear. May I say that you’re looking exceptionally well this morning.”

The Crown Prince gave her a lingering look that made Elli want to cover her chest with her arms. She wished that the Tenebrian dresses weren’t quite so revealing!

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” Roke growled, answering for her. “But I believe you were saying something about an exhibition this morning?”

“Oh yes—well, word has spread about our new Zorel Entrancer’s fabulous skills with even the most intractable beasts,” the Prince said. “So more than half the Court is coming down to the royal paddocks to see what miracles Lady Ellilah can work with my naughty Demon.” He tittered as though this bit of information was most amusing.

“Won’t having so many people watching spook the beast?” Roke asked anxiously.

“That depends on his personality,” Elli said seriously. “Zorels are like people—some of them are genuinely shy. But if Demon is half as magnificent as he is reputed to be, he might actually like putting on a show. Zorel bucks can be dreadful egotists.”

“By all the Gods, listen to how she speaks of mere beasts!” The Crown Prince gave his fruity laugh again. “My dear, even if you fail and you’re clawed or trampled or flamed to death, I must say that I will consider myself lucky to have known you and been entertained by your wit.”

“Ellilah isn’t going to die,” Roke growled, his eyes flashing a dangerous red. “And some would say that it’s inviting bad luck to suggest otherwise.”

“Well pardon me, I’m sure, for being amused!” The Crown Prince shot him a hard stare.

“I wasn’t trying to be amusing, Your Majesty,” Elli said quickly, hoping to defuse the situation. “I was being serious—zorels really do have their own personalities and they can be quite intelligent. I’m looking forward to meeting Demon.”

“Well, you’ll have your chance soon, my dear,” the Crown Prince said, smiling at her again. “I’ve ordered the royal grooms to let him out into the paddock to run a bit before the exhibition at ten this morning. You can go down and ‘work your magic’ on him then.”

“Oh—it might actually be easier if he was still in his stall when I first meet him,” Elli said quickly. “I need to be able to get close enough to look him in the eyes and let him know I’m not a threat.”

“Oh?” The Crown Prince frowned. “Very well then, I’ll have them put him back. But do be certain you’re at the paddocks by ten.” He shook one stubby, beringed finger at her and then swept away in a swirl of velvet and lace.


“I don’t like this,” Roke growled as they strolled through the open courtyards down to the royal stables located behind the palace. “Don’t like it one damned bit. We should leave while we have a chance, Ellilah. My ship isn’t parked that far from here. We could circle around and be there in no time.”

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