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Playing Their Parts

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It was too much—too much and just enough. With a wail, Cassie began to come. Hips pumping and hands clenching helplessly into fists above her head, she felt the pleasure ripple through her entire body, making her explode from the inside out.

“Stone!” she wailed, his name like a prayer on her lips. “Stone, please…yes, please!”

“Say it,” he growled, pulling back, though he continued thrusting. “Say it, Cassandra. Beg me to fuck you—say you want me inside you!”

“Fuck me!” Cassie gasped, her hips still jerking helplessly as he thrust the thick black handle deep in her wet pussy. “Fuck me, Stone! I want you to—I want you inside me! Fuck me!”

“My pleasure, Mistress,” he growled. And leaning forward, he began lashing her tingling clit with his tongue, building a second orgasm inside her almost before the first had finished rocking her to the core.


Cassie didn’t know how many times she came. In fact, before this experience with Stone, she hadn’t even known she could be multi-orgasmic. But her partner proved conclusively that she could be—mostly because he seemed completely unwilling to stop tasting her and fucking her with the thick black flogger handle.

They might have gone on for hours except for a voice yelling at them from overhead.

“Enough! Don’t you hear me, you two? I’ve yelled ‘cut’ twenty times already. The scene is over!”

It was the voice of their director—the little elf-man, Cassie realized blearily. Clearly he had been trying to get their attention for some time but she and Stone had been too wrapped up in the scene they were playing out to pay him any attention.

“Uh…Stone?” she looked down at her partner uncertainly. He had his mouth fastened to her clit and was still stroking the thick black handle in and out of her pussy. It felt incredibly good but being reminded that they were being watched—and that all their erotic actions were being recorded—sort of put a damper on Cassie’s lust.

Besides, she was beyond exhausted at this point.

“Stone,” she said again and her partner finally looked up. With a last, sucking kiss, he drew away from her pussy.

“What is it, Cassandra?” he asked, his voice hoarse. “How else can I pleasure you?”

“No more,” Cassie told him. “Please, Stone—the elf director guy is telling us to stop and I’m all worn out.”

Stone looked penitent at once.

“Forgive me,” he murmured, leaning forward to give her thigh an apologetic kiss. “I didn’t mean to wear you out, sweetheart.”

Cassie blinked. Stone had never called her anything but her full first name—the Kindred apparently thought it was disrespectful to shorten a woman’s name or use a nickname. But he had never called her any endearments like “honey” or “baby” or “sweetheart” before.

Then again, he never went down on you and fucked you with a flogger handle before either, whispered a little voice in her head. Guess there’s a first time for everything, huh?

As she watched, Stone slowly withdrew the flogger handle from inside her, leaving her feeling empty inside. Cassie bit her lip when she saw how shiny the black leather was—coated with her honey. She noticed that Stone didn’t put it back on the wooden rack. Instead, he tucked it reverently into his back pocket, as though he was taking a keepsake.

Then he rose and turned his attention to getting her unfastened. When at last he got her completely unbuckled, Cassie took a step and nearly fell.

“Mistress! Are you all right?” Stone swooped her up into his arms and cradled her to his chest. “Are you well?” he repeated anxiously, looking into her face.

“’M okay,” Cassie protested. “Just a little weak in the knees.” She gave an exhausted laugh. “Being tied up and whipped and then given multiple orgasms really takes a lot out of a girl.”

“You need rest and care,” Stone said, frowning. “I will take you back to our room.”

“But what about the case?” Cassie protested as he strode out of the room with her still in his arms. “There’s so much we ought to be doing!”

“It can wait,” Stone said firmly. “First, I must care for you.”


As he carried his partner away from The Cave and down the long halls of Gozeriam’s palace, Stone wondered if he had gone too far with her. He had allowed himself to get lost in her unique flavor and her warm, feminine fragrance. Her cries of pleasure and her sweet taste and scent had acted on him like a drug—he hadn’t wanted to stop.

But now, with Cassandra worn out and limp in his arms, he was upset with himself. He should not have allowed himself to get so carried away. It was just that he had wanted her for so long…hungered to taste her from the very first time he’d dreamed of her…

She’s so beautiful, he thought, cradling her to his chest. So brave, too.

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