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Bare (Just This Once 2)

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I know I’m staring. Who wouldn’t?

Griffin Kent is standing less than ten feet away from me with a sexy grin on his face and two glasses of champagne in his hands.

He’s dressed in a tuxedo, complete with a black bow tie.

“You look incredible tonight, Piper,” he says in a throaty tone. “Come and join us.”


Sem Jansen and Griffin Kent.

I have no idea what the hell is going on. Griffin was the last person I expected to see tonight.

He must sense my hesitation because he closes the distance between us with several sure steps. “You can’t stand in that elevator all night, Piper.”

I look down as if I need confirmation that I haven’t moved an inch. I step forward tentatively unsure if my weak knees will support me.

As soon as I exit the elevator the doors slam shut behind me.

Griffin pushes a crystal flute into my hand. I take it and immediately swallow half the glass of sweet liquid. It’s delicious. It’s also the first taste of champagne I’ve ever had.

It does nothing to calm me down. I’m sure both men can see my heart thumping in my chest.

“Griffin has shown me your work, Piper.” Sem moves to stand next to me. “You have raw talent. With some time and experience, you’re going to give me a run for my money.”

I down what’s left in my glass. I can’t tell if I’m freaking out because Sem Jansen just gave me the biggest compliment of my life or if it’s because Griffin can’t take his eyes off of me.

Chapter 24


A million questions are dancing in her eyes and I’ve yet to answer any of them. I’m following behind her and Sem as they tour his exhibit.

He’s taking the time explaining the inspiration behind each of his sketches. Piper?

?s been listening intently, even though she’s stolen a few glances back at me.

I haven’t been able to read her reaction beyond shock and awe.

The awe obviously reserved for Sem; the shock courtesy of me.

“I didn’t know that you’d be here in New York.” Piper turns to her side to look at Sem. “I’ve read online that you don’t attend any of your exhibits.”

“Don’t believe what you read online.” He winks at me. “I make it a habit to be on site when my sketches are being prepared for exhibit. I handle the last minute details before I duck for cover and head out of town.”

“Does that mean you’re leaving before this opens to the public tomorrow?”

“I’ll be on a jet headed back to Amsterdam by morning.” He sighs. “It’s home. It’s the place that inspires me the most.”

“I still can’t believe that I’m standing here talking to you.” Piper’s gaze darts back to me again before she turns her attention to Sem. “I know you must hear it a thousand times a day, but I’m truly your biggest fan. I love your work. You’re the one who inspired me to study art.”

Sem moves toward me with a raise of his brow. I know that he’s asking for my permission to share something with Piper. I nod because there’s nothing he can say to her that I don’t want her to know.

“I’m touched by that.” He whips back around to look at Piper. “Griffin gifted me with three of your sketches earlier.”

A brilliant smile lights up her face. “He didn’t? Griffin gave you my sketches?”

Disbelief circles her words as Sem nods. “He knew I’d love them. He was right. I’m going to hang them in my studio back in Amsterdam.”

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