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Bare (Just This Once 2)

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“I heard that you arranged that night for Piper. It was such a gracious thing to do.”

It was selfish. I wanted to give her a gift that trumped every other gift she’s ever received. I believe I did that. “Piper deserved it.”

Bridget studies my face before she looks over at Piper. “I feel some tension here. I’m not imagining that, am I? There’s more to this than a student and his teacher.”

I wait for a beat for Piper to respond, but it’s obvious the question took her by surprise. I answer because I want this woman to know exactly what’s going on between us. “We’re seeing each other.”

Bridget’s face lights up in glee as her gaze volleys between Piper’s face and mine. “Piper, you didn’t say anything. Why didn’t you tell me?”

Piper tosses me a look before she turns to face her boss. “It’s new. It’s still really new.”

Bridget reaches forward to grab my forearm. “You’ll come to the staff dinner at my house with Piper on Sunday.”

I look to Piper for guidance but she’s staring blankly at Bridget. “I’m on board. Tell me where, when and what I need to bring.”

Chapter 33


I stare at Griffin after Bridget walks away. I’m at work early today. I had so much restless energy after I woke up after spending last night with him.

I read the text message he sent me over and over. He wrote that he had a fantastic night and that he wanted to see me again as soon as possible.

I didn’t think that meant that he’d show up at the gallery before lunch.

“You’re okay with me going to this dinner thing on Sunday, right?” Griffin presses his lips to my cheek for a soft kiss. “If you think it’s too soon for me to tagalong, just give me the word.”

I think it’s too soon for me to want him there, but I do. I love the idea of meeting the rest of my co-workers with this handsome man by my side. After what we shared last night, I’m ready to spend as much time with him as I can.

“We’ll have fun.” I run my hand through my hair.

I didn’t put any effort int

o my appearance today. I showered after I woke up and realized Griffin had left. Then I straightened my hair, put on a light touch of makeup and dressed in dark pants and a green sweater.

Since I don’t have class tonight, I didn’t expect to see him today.

It was a welcome surprise when I turned at the ring of the bell over the gallery door to see him standing there.

“I went to see Marco earlier.”

My entire body tenses at the mention of the man who stole my wallet along with a sliver of my pride. I stopped at the police precinct on my way here, but the officer assigned to my case told me that a man had called in very early this morning with a tip on the identity of the thief. I knew that had to be Griffin.

“What did he say?” I ask with a quirk of my brow.

“What could he say?” He attempts a small smile. “He admitted everything. It turns out that you’re not the first person he’s robbed.”

That doesn’t offer me any comfort at all. The only thing I feel is compassion for his other victims.

“Will he be arrested?”

He nods. “Today. He’ll be booked and released. Depending on how he pleads, you may not have to go to court.”

“I hope he pleads guilty.” I rest my hands on my hips. “Did you kick him in the groin for me?”

He smiles wolfishly. “Is that what you would have done if you saw him today?”

“That followed by a poke in the eye.” I jut my index finger out in the air. “I think he deserves worse, but at least it would be a start.”

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