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Exposed (Exposed 1)

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"Wait until next week," she flippantly says. "I can't go today."

"I don't have another day off before the party." I want her to come with me. I've never taken the train alone.

"Call your boyfriend." She calls over her shoulder as she slips off the apron and reaches for her purse.

"He left for San Francisco yesterday." I follow her into the backroom of the bistro. "I told you that this morning."

"Right." She taps her forehead. "I forgot.

I sigh heavily before reaching in my purse to pull out my phone. "The train leaves right away. I don't know what to do."

"You get in a cab and you go to South Station." She places her hands on my shoulders. "Then you get on that train and you go to New York."

"I can't," I murmur.

"You can." She pushes me towards the door. "Live a little, Sadie. Go on an adventure. What's the worst that can happen?"

I smile at her even though I'm completely exasperated with her. "It would be fun."

"Text me once you're there so I know you made it in one piece." She throws me a wink as I turn to leave.


I glance at my phone as the train finally pulls into Penn Station three and a half hours later. I sent Hunter a text message an hour ago asking how his meetings were going and there's still no response. I play back the conversation we had about him becoming immersed in his work. I have to give him space to do what he needs to do while I spend the day shopping for the perfect gift for my mother.

I rush up the stairs and onto the street. The mood is different here. It's not the same as Boston at all. People are rushing, the air feels heavier and there's an excitement brewing around me. I haven't been to Manhattan in so long. Hunter told me he divides his time between here and Boston. I need to ask him if we can have a weekend getaway here before semester starts again.

I stroll down the sidewalk, breathing in the city. The traffic noise is deafening, there are people everywhere but it's vibrant and alive. It reflects exactly how I feel now. How Hunter has made me feel since he came into my life.

I watch a woman hail a cab on the corner and I follow suit. I want to get to the jewelry store before they close.

I read the address on the card to the driver and he nods in response. I hold onto the car's door handle as he whips the car around and speeds down the street.

I glare out the car window, watching in wonder as countless people walk down the streets. The buildings whip by us as we careen through the city. I've never had a driver's license and judging by the traffic here, I'm not sure I'd ever be qualified to drive a cab. I giggle to myself at the thought of it.

The driver pulls the car next to the curb on a beautiful tree lined street. I look at the meter and pull a few bills from my wallet.

"Thanks," he barks back at me as I exit the cab.

I stare at the building in front of me. This is it. This is Hunter's friend's jewelry store. I smile at the prospect of his reaction when he realizes I traveled all this way to get something from Jax's store to give to my mother.

I push the glass door open and the fragrance of fresh flowers wafts in the air. It's a clean space, beautifully decorated. Several people are milling about looking at the cases. I see a clerk helping a woman pick out a necklace and there's a blonde woman talking on the phone.

I walk up to one of the cabinets and soak in the pieces displayed in the case. They are unique, vibrant and exactly my mother's style. She's going to love anything I choose for her here but it has to be perfect. It has to be her.

"Can I help you?" The blonde has popped up beside me, the phone now in her hand.

"I'm here to pick a gift." I smile at her. She's lovely. She's pretty and


"Is it for someone special?" She moves next to the display case, her eyes scanning the different necklaces in front of us.

"My mother," I offer. "It's her birthday next week."

"That's definitely a special occasion." Her smile is warm and infectious. "Were you looking for something in particular? A necklace, or maybe a bracelet? I have some really lovely earrings over here." She motions towards another case next to us.

I turn and run my eyes over the beautiful jewelry. I settle on a pair of striking sapphire earrings. "Those are breathtaking." I point to them.

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