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His: Tony (The Sabatini Family 2)

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Waiting in Carlo’s office for Luca, I fight the tide of rage rising within me. Reading Luca’s file for the first time, each word burned into my soul. Linda had entrusted my flesh and blood to a bitter abusive drunk. The fucker broke Luca’s arm when he was nine years old. I recognized the break. It wasn’t from a fall, the way they told the social worker. If I hadn’t already known, the ER staff feeling the need to call in a social worker was confirmation.

Luca was raised speaking Italian the only good thing Linda had done. His school records indicated he was smart, but they noted neither Linda nor Al were involved. The nanny was more than likely to be the point of contact.

I remember the things other family had said about the moves he made in Vegas, the way he took control when Al was shot when Luca was only eighteen. Along with the things in the file, added up to the kid having a flair for the dramatic. He stopped trucks carrying sex cargo, pulled the men out and cut off their dicks with reported great enjoyment. It makes me uneasy, afraid he might have caught the bug I had. Until I reviewed his hits, none of them were uncalled for or particularly bloody.

A text comes through on Dominic’s phone. Fuck. I hadn’t even thought of how he’s doing with this. The front door opens, and I go still as I hear movement on the hardwood floors. Carlo had emptied the house. Was it odd to Luca?”


It’s a punch to the gut. He sounds just like Anthony. The door opens. There is a two-inch scar on his chin, and his eyes are brown, like Anthony’s. Fuck. He could be Anthony, only he’s not. His eyes go wide at the sight of me.

My throat threatens to close. No. I need to be stronger, for him, for Dominic. “Anthony Sabatini, your father. I’m sorry. I didn’t know. If I had, I would never have allowed what you endured.”

Luca closes his eyes, shakes his head then opens them again. “Quel che e fatto, e fatto.”

What’s done is done. Words my father and nonno raised me on. We could not undo what has been done. We must accept it and move forward or the pain and anger of the past would cloud the future, making it all for naught.

He offers his hand to me. “It’s good to finally meet you.”

I take it, my flesh and blood—a part of me. Without thought, I pull him to me, hugging him tight for all the hugs I’ve missed up to today. He stiffens then sighs before he hugs me back so tight I can barely breathe.



I know I’m asking too many questions. I can’t stop. The need to know everything about Luca is fucking with my head. After much prompting, he talked of his childhood. I didn’t need to have raised him to recognize when he was holding back. Dominic sighs, the sound hits me. I see guilt wash across his face.

An ache hits me all over again at what he might be feeling at this as well. Yesterday was his wedding day, and he had been so happy as I watched him with Regina. He didn’t realize he had fallen in love with her yet, even though it couldn’t be clearer when he looked at her. None of this is what he should be dealing with. He and Regina were to have left for Paris a few hours ago. Instead, he’s dealing with Johnny’s death this morning and an out of nowhere brother.

“Why don’t you go home and bring Regina back to my place for dinner?” To Luca. “I have an empty house with many bedrooms. You can pick one for your stay. When were you due to go back to Vegas?”

“I planned on going back tomorrow evening after the funeral.” I frown at him leaving so quickly. “I can give it another week. Not long though. As much as I wish it was different, Gianni, my second isn’t as on top of things as I am. He’s new and still feeling it out. I didn’t pick him—Carlo did. He doesn’t have it in him to keep people in check and is squeamish when it comes to blood.”

I wish he needn’t have come to power and needed to rule so ruthlessly so young. Al had gotten shot in a war with a Mexican Cartel when Luca was only eighteen. Luca stepped up, taking on the cartel to retrieve their shipment, leaving several of them dead. He then made a better deal with a Columbian cartel. Even after Al got out of the hospital, Luca hadn’t given up the reins of power, and Al hadn’t challenged him. When Al died four years ago, Luca was named the head of Vegas for our family. I’m proud of all he’s done.

As I show him around my home, I can’t keep my eyes off him, wanting to commit every move he makes to memory.

He picks the guest bedroom across the hall. “Where’s the woman who redid the place?”

Good eye. He impresses me at every turn. Even if it’s the last damn question I want to answer. “Gone. I’ll let you get settled.”

“That’s not fair. You get to ask me ten thousand questions, and I don’t get to ask any.”

Smartass. I lean against the door frame as I study him. “It’s been almost five years now. She ran scared.”

A wince. “Sorry. I don’t know. This house, it’s obvious love went into the updates. I guess I thought she died or something like your wife.”

Shaking my head. “No. Trust me, there are times when I wish she had. It would have made things easier. I’m sorry about your wife.”

“I’m not. We were messed up kids. Getting married that young. I shouldn’t have agreed to marry Jackie. Mom and Al kept pushing; it was the mafia way. I needed to be settled if I was going to be respected. By the time she overdosed, I was so fucking relieved. For a long time, I hated myself and her for it. I’ll tell you now, it’s not happening again. Carlo has been mumbling about marriage the last few years. No. I’ll play the grieving widower to the fucking end, if I have to. No, to forever with anyone.” He cocks an eyebrow at me. “There are too many beautiful women in Vegas for that.”

I laugh. Damn, if he doesn’t remind me of myself.



It’s my last night in Vegas. I traveled out here a few days after Luca left Chicago. I’m not sure why a part of me is afraid the moment he’s out of my sight too long, I’ll never

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