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His Under Contract

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Amelia pats my hand. “My brother, such a sweetheart. Really, Holly, he not only paid for Cora’s insurance he covered the expense of a back surgery she needed, the year before last. Let him pay for it. Now he knows about it, he’ll wind up doing it with or without your permission. I love the way you’re supportive of her going back to school as long as it doesn’t bother you.”

Looking from Amelia to Holly, I nod. “Any employer would feel the same way. People work while going to online school all the time. I don’t doubt Holly can juggle both.”

“Seriously, Holly, you are a great cook. The last time I had risotto at a restaurant it was overly starchy. This is perfect. Ethan is lucky to have you as a cook. I’m jealous. So where did your dad get stationed?”

“All over the U.S., Italy, France, Germany.”

“Aren’t those the countries you were in while growing up, Ethan?”

“Yeah, except Italy, and we were in Japan for a while.”

Amelia claps for attention. “Let’s get to watching movies or I’ll end up spending the night again.”

Holly settles into one of the gray chairs, Amelia flings herself onto the couch, after loading the first movie into the DVD player. I take my usual position at the end of the couch with Amelia’s feet in my lap.

After the first movie, Holly goes to pop some popcorn and fix an afternoon snack before we watch the second movie. She comes back with regular popcorn, popcorn sprinkled with parmesan cheese, asparagus wrapped in prosciutto, and a bowl of cantaloupe and honeydew balls. While I usually barely put up with asparagus, wrapped in prosciutto and slightly crispy from the oven it’s good.

“Holly, you are cruel. This is delish.” Amelia teases.

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“Time for the next movie.” I say as I load the second movie.

Holly admits she’s never seen the second movie. Amelia and I he

ckle her for her lapse in not watching such a great movie. She laughs, making me smile when I hear it. Her response is we take our movie watching too seriously. Amelia defends the both of us then asks what other great movies that Holly has missed. The list is long, I know I’ll be looking at more movie Sundays with Holly.

We pause the movie halfway while Holly puts the lasagna she had been defrosting into the oven. She explains she prepped it yesterday. My mouth waters at the thought of her lasagna, after how good everything else she had made tasted.

Once the second movie is over, we sit talking about it as we wait for the timer to go off. When it does, Amelia and I trail after Holly, with Amelia offering to help, Holly says there’s no need.

“Wine?” I ask as I uncork the bottle still half full from this afternoon.

This time both say yes. I get out new glasses and pour in the dining room while I watch the two women moving around chattering happily in the kitchen. They are comfortable with each other, as if they’ve known each other their whole lives.

The lasagna is probably one of the best I’ve ever had. I try not moan, as Amelia does. This time there is little talking as we all eat with zeal. I’m the first to finish. My plate is clean, and I consider going back for another piece.

Does Holly read my mind? “I made tiramisu for dessert, leave room.”

Tiramisu, my favorite after cheesecake. I stay seated, agitated, as I wait for them to finish. Holly laughs. “Go get your piece of cake, it’s in the fridge on the third shelf.”

I’m up in seconds. Finding the glass dish, I serve myself a large piece. This time I can’t hold back my moan of enjoyment. The lady fingers are perfect, not over-soaked or too dry. I look up to see both of them smiling at me. “What? This is good. You’re going to need to make this again.”

“I will.” Holly promises.

They each have a piece, with Amelia loudly agreeing with me.

Amelia helps Holly clean up after everyone finishes. I go into the living room feeling full and lazy. It takes them about twenty minutes, then I’m tasked with loading the last movie. We return to our spots in the living room with Amelia sitting up, saying she ate too much to lie down. Her expression is accusatory as she looks at Holly.

The last movie is just short of three hours long. I’m not surprised to notice Holly has fallen asleep two hours into the movie. Amelia doesn’t notice until the movie is almost over.

“Dang, she missed the end. Poor thing, she is the best cook ever. You’d better be nice to her. I want more meals like today. I don’t care if I have to spend more time in the gym to make up for it.”

“Hmm... I’ll do my best.” Noncommittal.

She sighs, “You know, I think I’ve changed my mind. I think it’s good you don’t have a relationship with Holly. She’ll only get hurt in the end. She deserves someone who will adore her the way she deserves, who treats her like she’s as special as she is. Someone who will put her happiness before their own, and you’re too old to change your ways.”

I can’t refute her words. “True, very true.”

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