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His Under Contract

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on with Amelia is going to be very painful—for her. “Are you sleepy, sweetheart?”

“No, I was actually thinking very naughty thoughts about how my thong is in the living room.”

Fuck, this woman is the perfect mix of naughty and nice, and fuck me, I’m growing addicted to every inch of her. I eat her beautiful pink pussy until she’s begging me to fuck her. When I do, I take her hard and fast from behind. This time, we stay connected when she begs me not pull out. For a long time we just lay together as she tells me how much she liked Ray. I was lucky to have someone like him and he was luckier to have me. We both needed someone to keep us inline.

When her stomach growls we both groan. “Oh the mundane things of life. Crap, I don’t think I even have anything really defrosted, it might be omelets for dinner.”

“You aren’t cooking anything. You have the day off. Let’s go take a look at the delivery menus.” Getting out of bed, I pull on my boxer briefs. I expect her to go running for the bathroom or shower, instead she steals a pair of my boxer briefs from my closet and an undershirt.

Holly’s smile is wide. “I like the feel of you inside me.”

Damn it, her words make me hard in an instant. I walk fast, trying to remember she’s hungry. Pulling the menus from the drawer, I go through them.

“Ohh, a barbeque place will deliver?” She makes a grab for the menu, eyes wide.

“You like barbeque?”

“Um, hello, the last half-dozen years of my life were spent in the south. I love brisket but I never make it. It’s so much meat, and it just doesn’t taste the same frozen then unfrozen.”

“They are famous for their brisket, we can get plenty. There are great hot sausages, too. Ribs?”

She makes a face. “Not unless they’re boneless, and beef instead of pork.”

“They have both and that works for me. Yes to hot sausages? I’ll place the order.” Phoning in the order, they give me a delivery time of a half-hour. I call the front desk to let them know.

Catching her close, I carry her to the couch where we do some serious necking until I leave her neck and chest covered in enough hickies I’d be ashamed, if I wasn’t so proud to leave my mark on her.

I resent the arrival of the food until she whispers a promise, as she guides me by my hard cock to the dining table. We eat from the boxes using our fingers. We spend dinner talking about our favorite places to eat in the city. Once we’re done, I help her clean up the kitchen then start the dishwasher.

“Movie in bed?” I ask as I take her hand, walking her toward the hall.

“I need a long hot shower first. Not to sound like an excuse, but I haven’t washed my hair in a few days. I’ll be in after a little bit, okay?” She offers a kiss.

I take it, “My bed when you’re done.” I order, she nods as she laughs.

Waiting for her, I flip through the channels without interest after I take my own quick shower. Almost twenty minutes later she comes in, wearing a red teddy that looks like the black one she wore. I lose interest in the idea of a movie very fast.


The next morning, Amelia is waiting in my office. Good girl. She usually doesn’t come in for another hour. I sit down at my desk, waiting.

“I’m sorry, Ethan, for everything I said last night. There I was pushing you together, then it happens and I’m a jealous baby about it. I promise I’ll apologize to Holly. I love her. She’s practically my best friend. Please don’t be angry with me, even though I deserve it.”

“You keep telling me that you want me to treat you like an adult, act like one, damn it. You’ve been avoiding me for over a week, lying to me and Holly about lunch dates in order to hide your new relationship.”

Blushing, she refuses to meet my eyes. “I know. It’s just that you do the big brother thing in high gear the minute I mention a guy. Running background checks on them, asking them questions, like they’re on the witness stand, making them defend their life. A new relationship needs time to grow before it gets trampled on by your heavy handedness.”

“All right, I’ll try, I really will, to respect this time you’re talking about. As long as once you get comfortable enough, you will be a grown up and introduce me. Then I’ll do the background checks, and while I reserve the right to question them, it won’t be an interrogation.”

Nodding, she smiles, trying to get me to as well. I’m not feeling it just yet. “I will, Ethan. I promise.” She knows she isn’t completely forgiven, but leaves while she thinks she’s ahead.

The only problem is I still don’t trust her. Short of putting her under surveillance there isn’t anything I can really do. Even I’m not willing to go that far.

I call Holly, needing to hear her voice, “Hey, have you heard from Amelia yet?”

“Yes, she texted me this morning begging forgiveness, and asking to meet me for lunch. I’m delaying answering right now.”

“Whatever you want do is fine with me. Enough about Amelia, I’ll be home around seven-thirty, sounds good?”

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