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His Under Contract

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I’ve heard the insults for so long they no longer mean anything to me. Ethan hasn’t, and the anger coming from him scares me. I don’t even see him move, everything happens in a blur. Holy shit, is he growling? Once, then twice he swings, connecting with the man’s nose, sending blood everywhere as the man goes down with the first blow. Grabbing the man by the neck Ethan shakes him hard. “The size of a woman’s dress has nothing to do with her beauty, you hypocritical fuck. You ever speak to her, or me again, and you’ll walk with a limp the rest of your life.”

Ricky is pulling Ethan away from the man as flashes go off, lighting up the night. Ethan pushes me into the car then slides in beside me, still trembling with rage as the car screeches off. “Oh, my god, Ethan! How could you do that? What’s going to happen to you? You could be disbarred! Why in the world did you let him get to you?”

I don’t even realize I’m crying until Ethan pulls me into his arms. “Fuck, Holly, don’t cry. It’s going to be okay. I’m not going to let anyone talk to you like that. You’re a beautiful woman, my woman and no one fucking messes with what’s mine. I don’t give a fuck what the fallout is. All that matters to me is you. Besides, the fucker works for the Trib, he won’t press charges, if he does, he’ll never get another picture. He deserved it and I’d do it again.”

He couldn’t mean it, except the fierce hold tells me he does. A dam bursts inside me, causing me to sob uncontrollably. This man, so beautiful he still takes my breath away, brilliant, sophisticated, a man who could and has had any woman he wanted, was willing to throw away a career that meant everything to him before I met him—for me. Amelia was right.

Finally, the tears are coming to a slow trickle. I’m on our bed with no memory of how I got here. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I can’t stop crying.”

“It’s okay, sweetheart. I understand. You deserve a better man than I am. When you realized I love you, and you aren’t going any fucking where, forever, tears seem about right.”

Oh, my god, I was so sure there weren’t any more tears but they start again. “I love you, too! I don’t want to go anywhere, ever. Even though I deserve a better man, I don’t want him, I want you.”

He laughs, rolling me under him. “No more tears, sweetheart. They make my fucking chest hurt.”

His words stop my tears immediately. I trace his lips with my thumb, “Please, Ethan, please tell me again.”

Pulling out his pocket square, he wipes my tears away. “I love you, Holly. I tried to tell myself it was just lust that it would fade, only I knew I was lying. What I feel for you hasn’t faded. Every single day it grows stronger, deeper, under my skin, into my soul, you’re there until it doesn’t feel like I ever really lived until you. I was functioning, going day by day, and I believed I was happy, but it was empty. You came along and filled me full, you brought light into me. I can’t let that go.

“Whatever it takes to make you happy, I’ll do it.” He leans over into the bedside table, holy fucking shit, it’s a little box. “I’ve thought of how to do this, but nothing seemed right. I know this is shitty of me, but I was so disappointed you weren’t pregnant, because I knew there was nothing to tie you to me. I’m not proud about it, but I was too much of a pussy to actually say the words. I was sure you would use them against me. Then I realized it was cop out, you wouldn’t do it, and if you did you had every right. If I love you, then I need to make sure I’m doing everything to keep

you happy and mine. Also, for a little bit there, I really got used to the idea of a baby girl with your smile. That was something I never thought I wanted until you. I’m not going to be the greatest father, but it doesn’t worry me, because I know you’ll be an amazing mother. You tell me what to do and I’ll do it.”

I throw my arms around him as I fight back tears. How the hell did the ring get on my finger? Wow! It’s a huge emerald-cut diamond in platinum, simply elegant, and even though I never would have picked it, I love it. “All you have to do is love me and I’m happy. I don’t want to hear you sell yourself short, you are going to be a great father. You’re going to teach our kids to stand up for themselves, not to take crap from anyone, you’ll be the one to outsmart them when they try to get something over on us. I’m also very sure with a father like you, our daughter will have the most self-confidence of any girl her age.”

“I don’t promise not to be scared shitless until the baby is here and you’re both safe, but it will be my worry not yours. Along those lines, even though I really would like to have kids as soon as possible, I don’t want to do it until you’ve completed your Bachelor’s. It’s important to me you’re protected always, and even though the idea of us... fuck I don’t even want to think about it... but no matter what, no one can take your degree away.”

I hug him tighter. “And that’s exactly why I love you. The way you make sure everyone is taken care of, no matter what. I’ll do it, and since I can take summer courses, it won’t take nearly as long. If I keep on top of it I can finish in just three years.”

“Sounds like a plan. Do you think you can plan our wedding in three months? I really want a quickie wedding, but that won’t do for you, or expectations. It will need to big, don’t worry though, money talks, and it will get things done.”

Even though I wrinkle my nose at a big wedding, I don’t bother arguing. “Yes, lord and master Bishop. Whatever you say.

“I say I need you now.”

“Then take me. I’m all yours.” I whisper against his mouth.

Nimble fingers make quicker work taking the dress off than I did putting it on. When he pulls the dress from me, he finds I’m only in a black silk thong, the dress came with support built in. “Beautiful, the moment I saw you I wanted you. It shocked the shit out of me. You were nothing like what I wanted before. Then the first night I had you, it was then I realized you were everything I’ve needed.”

Head back, I’m barely able to form the words as his mouth teases and sucks my breasts the way he knows I like. “I kind of stupidly fell in love with you somewhere in the first week. I dreamed of you, my fingers itched just to touch you.”

My honesty is rewarded by a kiss that is deep, drugging, and soul touching, leaving me limp. “I know. When I looked at the contract, I knew everything. There was no way you’d have the guts to not only have it created, but offer it to me, if you didn’t. I’ll also admit, that day I would have taken you without it. My cock was going crazy for you, every time I told you no, my cock wept for you.”

“Ethan, now please, now. I need you inside me.” I’m frantic now, tearing at his pants.

“Slow down, sweetheart. I want this night to be right.”

“We have all night and hundreds of nights after this one. What’s right now is you inside me. Please, I’m about to combust.” I manage to free his thick cock and open myself to him. Body trembling, he drives into me without another word, his mouth captures mine again. Stroke after stroke pushes me towards the edge, his tongue mimicking his fierce pounding my senses are flooded with Ethan; nothing exists beyond him against me, inside me. Close, so close, I wrap my legs around his waist, bringing him deeper into me. Four, then five strokes, and an explosion of fireworks wrack my body. Still, Ethan moves inside me, faster now, finding his own orgasm as my body still shudders with mine.

Long after he collapses on me then rolls to his side, taking me with him, my body shivers with pleasure only Ethan can give me.

Chapter Thirty Two

It doesn’t matter that I only got about four hours last night, my internal body clock won’t let me sleep. I give up and roll over to see it’s a little after nine in the morning. Holly is still in my arms, then again, it’s only been a few hours since I finally let her fall asleep. I’m an ass, but I needed her last night. Again, and again, I took her and she gave herself with a smile and whispers of love. Best night of my life. Now’s the time to not be an ass. I slip from bed, only allowing myself a light kiss on her cheek.

I shower in the spare room, and when I come back she’s still sleeping. I dress quickly then grab my cell from my pants. Going into the living room, I’m not surprised to see I’ve missed what my phone tells me is forty-seven calls. There are twelve texts from Amelia, as I read them I swear. Fuck, she hadn’t been exaggerating. Someone had recorded everything then posted it to the internet. Holly and I are trending on pretty much every single social media site I’ve heard of, and ones I’ve never heard of. Most of the articles are actually positive, calling out the asshole for fat-shaming Holly and making me out to be some idiot hero in the scenario for standing up for my woman. There are a few articles calling for me to be charged and disbarred, I shrug. Public opinion doesn’t matter to me. I just hope all of this doesn’t upset Holly.

There’s only one voicemail I care about. Two words from Karen, call me. I call.

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