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Mantis (K19 Security Solutions 4)

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“Missed you, Son,” he said, thumping him on the back. “You too, pretty girl.”

Alegria smiled and sat back down.

“Can I get you a cup of coffee?”

His dad waved him off. “I can get it, Gehring. Take a seat.”

“What’s all the racket in my kitchen?” said his mother, joining them.

“I hope we didn’t wake you,” said Alegria, standing to kiss his mother’s cheek.

“Of course you didn’t. You know I’m always up with the hens.”

Mantis never understood why his mother used that expression; she’d never owned chickens in her life.

“I’ve always wondered where you keep these hens,” he said.

“I love having you in my kitchen, even with your smart mouth.” She pinched his cheek and then poured herself a cup of coffee as well. “I thought the two of you would sleep in today.”

Mantis met Alegria’s gaze. “Some habits die hard I guess.”

“You’ve both always been early risers.”

Alegria didn’t look particularly uncomfortable, but Mantis wondered if their conversation was making her feel that way. His mother was talking as if the two of them were an old married couple.

“Who’s hungry?” his mom asked, opening the refrigerator he needed to cool himself off again already.

“I am,” said Alegria, jumping up. “Can I help?”

“Always, sweet girl,” his mother said, smiling at her with all the love Mantis felt himself. How many times had she and his mother made breakfast in this kitchen? Countless.

“Got a minute, Son?” his father asked.

“Of course.” Mantis followed him out to the front porch.

“Fill me in,” he said once they were seated.


“You and Miss Frenchie.”

Mantis laughed. “We’re friends, and she hates being called that, Dad.”

His father leaned forward and shook his head. “Where did I go wrong?”

Mantis laughed again. “We’re meant to be friends, that’s it.”

“Bullshit,” his father muttered before getting up to go back into the house. “Open your eyes, Gehring. The woman helping your mother make breakfast is head over heels in love with you. Do something about it before you lose her again.”

“Dad, wait.”

His father turned around.

“She’s with Dutch now.”

His dad looked left and right. “Nope. She’s not. Unless he’s hidin’ around the corner.”

“You know what I mean.”

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