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Mantis (K19 Security Solutions 4)

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Mantis didn’t know if her legs were strong enough for her to be able to, but he’d do everything in his power to help her. “Sounds great,” he murmured.

“I want to get out of the hospital too.”

“Let’s hear what the doctor says this morning and see if we can make both happen.”

“If Doc believes Dutch is in danger, I want to go in with you.”

Mantis could’ve predicted Alegria would say those exact words. If he were the one whose medical clearance was questionable, he’d do everything he could to get healthy. The idea of a team going in without him, particularly for one of their own, would never sit right with him.

“I understand,” he told her.


“No buts. It’s up to you, sweetheart. I’m your…um… I’m not your dad.” He’d come so close to saying he was her boyfriend, but he wasn’t yet—not until they were able to reach Dutch.

She nodded against his chest, her hair tickling his neck.

He scrubbed his face with his hand. “The thing that worries me most is that whatever trouble he’s in, is because of me.”

“It could be because of any of us. We’ve all had ops that required us to do things we knew would result in our heads being on the block.”

Mantis nodded. She was right, but something was telling him that he was more right.


bsp; “Dr. Gertman is in surgery this morning. I’m Dr. Perry.”

Mantis shook the man’s extended hand, as did Alegria.

“I understand the feeling in your legs is slowly returning.” He moved the sheet from her legs. “Nod when you feel my fingers.”

Everywhere the doctor rested his hands, Alegria nodded. When he told her to try moving, she was able to.

“I’d like to walk today.”

The doctor murmured his agreement. “I see no reason why you shouldn’t be able to.”

“What about the neuropathy?” asked Mantis. “She was having issues before her last surgery.”

The doctor studied her chart. “I see there were fragments removed. Are these bullet fragments?” he asked, raising his eyebrows.

“Yes,” answered Alegria.

He ran a pen on the bottom of her left foot. She flinched and giggled.

“We’ll try some more uh…scientific tests this afternoon, but I’m optimistic.”

“I’d like to be discharged.”

The doctor looked first at Alegria, and then at Mantis. “If we allow this, what kind of help will you have?”

Mantis wanted to tell the doctor that he’d be by her side no matter what. But he couldn’t. If Doc called and said he was needed, Mantis would have to leave.

“My parents are here,” she answered. “They’ll hire someone if need be.”

His gaze met hers and she smiled. Alegria was telling him that if he had to go, she’d make arrangements for him to be able to without feeling guilty.

“I’ll need to consult with Dr. Gertman, but let’s see if we can get you out of here today.”

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