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Striker (K19 Security Solutions 6)

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Her eyes met his. “Something is going on that you can’t tell me about.”

Aine didn’t phrase it as a question, but Striker sat down and answered her anyway. “That’s right.”

They’d talked about it more than once, earlier this year, when they were still together. She’d had enough experience to know his limits without him being specific. She could read him, though, like she had now, and always let him off the hook before he’d had to say anything at all.

“Do you have to leave?”

“Not yet.”

“But soon?”

He nodded and pulled her close to him. He’d already told her he might have to return to Colombia, although now the reason was entirely different.

“I wish we’d stayed at the inn,” she murmured.

“We can go back now if you’d like.”

Aine shook her head. “After dinner.”

“Does anyone know where Tara is?” Pen asked, coming in from next door.

“She walked out right after you did,” Ava told her.

“Wait a minute.” Pen walked into the kitchen. “I can’t believe it,” she said, coming back out with her hands on her hips.

“What happened?” Aine asked.

“She took the car.”

“I’m sure she’ll be back soon. She knows what time we’re having dinner,” said Quinn.

“Which is now,” added Ava when Razor shouted that he was finished carving the turkey. “It isn’t as though we’re all sitting down at one big table. She can eat when she gets back.”

Striker watched the exchange, remembering Razor’s words of caution at the hospital. He’d told him at the time that he was overreacting, but disappearing without telling anyone she was leaving, especially today, was odd.

He walked over to Penelope, who looked more distressed than the rest of them. “Are you okay?”

She nodded. “She took the car.”

“I heard.”

“The rental agreement is in my name.”

“This is probably a stupid question, but have you called her?”

Pen nodded a second time. “She didn’t answer.”

“Try the rental company.”


“Some of them track the cars. I can do it for you if you’d like?”

Pen looked across the room to where Aine was seated on the sofa. “I can do it, but thank you.”


me know what you find out.”

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