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Striker (K19 Security Solutions 6)

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Tara laughed. “Right. How long did it take before you even noticed I wasn’t here?”

“Look,” Pen said, lowering her voice. “We know about your dad.”

“What about him?”

“Don’t play stupid. The investigation.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Aine tried to make eye contact with Pen. Tara wasn’t lying. This was news to her.

“Come sit,” said Aine, motioning to her.

“I have to call my dad,” Tara answered, rushing out to the deck and closing the sliding door behind her with more force than necessary.

Pen walked over and sat beside Aine. “I’m really worried about her.”

“I am too.”

“I think she might be…”

“What? It’s just us here,” said Ava. “She might be what?”

“It’s almost like she’s on something.”

Aine nodded. She hadn’t been around her mother all that much when she was younger, but the erratic behavior Tara was exhibiting seemed familiar.

Their friend came back inside, wiping the tears from her face. “I hope you’re all happy now. Thanks for blindsiding me.”

“Wait a minute,” said Pen, standing. “No one blindsided you, and why would any of us be happy that your father is being investigated?”

“I need to go back to New York,” Tara announced as though Pen hadn’t said a word.

“So go.” Pen sat back down.

“Come with me,” said Quinn, pulling Tara by the hand.

“How much do you want to bet that Quinn is buying her a ticket?” said Pen, crossing her arms.

“What would be wrong with that?” Aine asked.

“Nothing,” she muttered. “But I’m done.”

“Being her friend? You don’t mean that. She needs us now more than ever.”

Pen scrubbed her face with her hand. “You’re right, as much as I don’t want to admit it.”

Aine looked up at her sister, who was digging in her purse. “You’re being awfully quiet.”

“I’ll be right back…” her words trailed as she walked out of the room.

“What was that all about?” asked Pen.

“No clue. Is it just me, or is there weirdness all around us?”

“It isn’t you.”

“I’m giving Tara a ride to the airport,” Quinn told them when she came back in the room with Tara trailing behind her.

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