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Striker (K19 Security Solutions 6)

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Striker’s level of anger rose to the equivalent of Monk’s.

“Three of our team are critically injured. One is dead. I want to know who’s responsible.”

Trap shook his head. “I’m sorry, Striker.”

“Why was our plane in the air in the first place? No one from K19 authorized Onyx’s flight plan. No one pulled the trigger on that part of the mission. I want to know who did, when, and why.”

When Trap shook his head again, Striker pushed past him and got off the plane, hoping Razor would keep Monk from ripping into the pilot. The only way Striker could stop himself from doing the same thing was to put as much distance as he could between him and the man who knew the answers to his questions, but was refusing to share them.

As he paced inside the private area of the terminal, questions repeated in his head.

Why would the CIA want K19 in Colombia? Particularly since the men in question had only recently left the agency. Someone on the plane was working for the opposition. That was the only logical answer. Or, someone on the K19 team that stayed on the ground was. Who, though? As Striker ran through the list of partners and employees, no one made sense.

Striker raised his head; Trap was standing just inside the doorway.

“Whose side were they on?”

“The wrong one.”

“Who shot down the fucking plane?”

“Not our side.”

“Tell me, Trap, whose side am I on?”


“Who was it? Tell me right fucking now.”


“Who was she working for?”


Striker sat down and put his head in his hands. “Why did Jimenéz call Razor to confirm I was on that plane?”

“Corazón wanted him to believe you were in order to arrange a meeting between the ambassador, Lehrer, and Ghafor. He was on our side.”

“What about the mole? Who knew I was on my way to Colombia? Who killed Juan Carlos?”

“I can’t answer that.”

“Meaning the agency was behind it. There never was a fucking mole.”

Trap didn’t respond.

“Corazón wanted Jimenez to believe I was on my way so she could arrange to have all the players in the same room at the same time.”

“That’s right.”

“She’s an assassin.”

Trap nodded his head. “She was.”

“She was the fatality.”


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