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Striker (K19 Security Solutions 6)

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“Your appointment with Dr. Fredrickson is in two days. She agreed that if we had my results back prior to that, we’d discuss both then.”

“I know. I’m just saying that if you don’t want to wait, I’m okay with it.”

“Do you want me to open it today?”

Aine shook her head. “They’re your results, Griffin.”

“Then we’ll wait together.”

Striker dropped Aine off at the hospital entrance and went to park the car. A winter storm had blanketed the DC area in snow, which meant it would be a white Christmas, but it also meant the temperatures were frigid. He checked his pocket to be sure he remembered the envelope that contained his DNA results.

They’d talked late into the night about how they’d handle whichever scenario was given to them at today’s appointment. While he’d expected Aine to become emotional about it, he was far more so than she was.

He took a deep breath, said a silent prayer, and got out of the car. The prayer wasn’t for him; it was for the beautiful, brave woman who waited inside for him. The one who made him promise that, regardless of the news they received, they’d face life’s celebrations and challenges together.

When he walked through the door and saw her waiting, he took another deep breath. How could someone as wondrously perfect as Aine have fallen in love with him? He took her hand in his and walked over to the elevator.

“It’ll be okay, Griffin,” she said once the door closed behind them and they rode to the third floor alone.

“That’s what you keep telling me.” He leaned down and kissed her. “You know I love you.”

“I do.” She winked.

They were early for their appointment, so they sat and waited ten long minutes before Aine’s name was called.

“Dr. Fredrickson will be right with you,” said the nurse who led them into an office rather than an exam room.

“Hello,” the doctor said, coming in and closing the door behind her. “It’s nice to see you both,” she added before shaking their hands.

She sat down and opened a folder that sat on the desk. “Did you receive your results?” she asked, looking at Striker.

“I did,” he answered, handing her the unopened envelope.


“Tabon, they’re here!” shouted Ava, coming to the front door and throwing her arms around Aine.

“Good to see you,” Aine heard him say to Griffin while she and Ava continued to hug each other.

“I can’t go this long without seeing you ever again. Do you understand me?” Ava said with tears in her eyes. “I can’t believe it’s only been five months. It seems more like five years.”

It had been difficult to be away from her twin for Christmas, especially for the first time, but they’d managed by having video calls almost daily.

“Where’s Sam?”

“Right here,” said their mother, bringing her grandson over to see his aunt.

Aine’s eyes filled with

tears. “He’s gotten so big.” She’d been worried Sam wouldn’t remember her, but he went right to her and put his little arms around her neck, slobbering on her cheek. “I think he remembers me,” she murmured.

“Of course he does,” said Ava, slugging her.

“Come inside,” said Razor. “Ava’s got quite a spread prepared.”

“That looks like enough to feed thirty people!” Aine gasped when she saw all the serving dishes full of food.

“I hope so,” answered her sister, pointing to the sign that was hanging behind them.

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