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Striker (K19 Security Solutions 6)

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He looked away, nodded, and stood. “I better get back to work.”

“I thought you wanted to go for a run.”

“Maybe next time.”

Aine took Dasher inside and sent a text to Ava, asking her to come over.

Within five minutes, she heard a knock at the door.

“It’s open,” she hollered.

“What’s up?” Ava asked as she shut the door behind her.

“I just had the weirdest conversation with Striker.”

“What about?”

“He was telling me he wanted to be friends, and then he told me his sister died.”

“That is weird.”

“I haven’t told you the weird part yet. I asked him when she died, and he said in March. Then when I asked if it was before we broke up, he said it was.”

“Why didn’t he tell you then?”

“That’s what I think is so strange.”

“Do you think it has anything to do with why he broke things off with you?”

“It’s the only thing that makes sense to me.”

“Again, why?”

“I don’t know yet.”

“But you’re going to try to find out?”

“I know you’ll think I’m crazy, but I fell in love with Striker. I never dreamed we’d break up.”

“Why would I think that’s crazy?”

“Because it was so quick.”

“Not quicker than Tabon and me.”

“You’ve got a point.” She smiled and then grew more serious. “All this time, I’ve struggled with understanding why. Nothing he said at the time made any sense.”

“Why would his sister’s death make him end things, though?”

“Like I said, I don’t know, but I intend to find out.”

Aine’s phone vibrated, and she pulled it out of her back pocket. “I got a text from Quinn. They’re on their way,” Ava told Aine. “We should go next door.”

Aine shrugged her shoulders. “Okay.”

“I know this is hard…”

“I’ll be all right. I need to get my mind off of Striker, anyway.” Aine shook her head as though by doing so she could shake away his ghost. She put a smile on her face and led her sister by the hand. “I’m so excited to see Quinn. I can’t believe how long it’s been.”

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