Striker (K19 Security Solutions 6) - Page 40

“Maybe it’s time I did.”


Aine couldn’t believe Friday, and Stuart’s visit, was only three days away. How had the last week passed so quickly? She, Ava, and Sam had spent each day with Quinn since Mercer was at the house too, working with Razor, Monk, and Striker.

Between how busy they’d been and the fact that Striker always seemed to be at the house, Aine hadn’t found time to talk to Tabon about him.

Every afternoon, she’d gone for a run with Dasher, and when they returned, Striker would sometimes be waiting for them in the grassy area near the deck.

“I could go with you this weekend,” he said today when she met him at the top of the trail.

“Um…I’m taking a break.”

“Rest day?”

“Something like that.”

“Why do I feel as though you aren’t telling me the whole story?”

Aine sat down on the grass and rubbed Dasher’s tummy. “Stuart is visiting this weekend.”

Striker sat down next to her. “I see, and you’re uncomfortable talking about it.”

“I know I shouldn’t be. I mean, we’re just friends, right?”

“It doesn’t mean it won’t be awkward the first few times we see each other with someone else.”

Aine felt sick to her stomach. She couldn’t handle seeing Striker with another woman. Not now and maybe never.

“Are you seeing someone else?” she asked, not wanting to hear the answer but knowing she had to force herself to find out.

“No,” he said, shaking his head. “It’s far more likely that you’ll be married and have a family before I find time to date again.”

Aine brought her knees closer to her body and wrapped her arms around them.

“This is a conversation I’d rather not have,” she admitted.

“It isn’t easy for me either, Aine.”

Inside she was screaming, then why did you break up with me? But outside, she looked out at the ocean. “Would it be easier if I weren’t here?” she asked.

Striker shook his head. “I don’t want you to leave on my account.”

“So, you’re fine with Stuart visiting?”

“Everything will be okay, Aine. Do whatever you want to do. Don’t take me into account.”

“I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or sincere.”

Striker stood and brushed the sandy grass from his pants. “I let you go, Aine. I have no right to ask that you do anything but live your life.”

Thankfully he went inside before she could respond. If he hadn’t, she would’ve told him that he didn’t have to ask. If he said he wanted her to, she’d run back into his arms and not give Stuart another thought.

But that wasn’t what Striker wanted. As he said, he let her go. He didn’t say he wanted her back.


“I heard back from the Bogotá consulate. Your meeting with the Cuban is set.”

Tags: Heather Slade K19 Security Solutions Suspense
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024