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Striker (K19 Security Solutions 6)

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“Yes. Definitely.”

“Thanks for including me even though I showed up unexpectedly,” he said to Ava.

“It’s okay. I’m sorry you have to leave, Stuart.”

“Wait. What? He’s leaving?” asked Tara.

“Something came up,” he said a second time. “Bye, everyone.”

“What was that all about?” Ava asked as soon as the door closed behind him and Tabon.

Aine shut her eyes, wishing she didn’t have to explain, especially in front of their two friends.

“He came downstairs and saw me talking to Striker.”

“So he left? That’s a little extreme,” said Penelope, sitting down and putting Aine’s legs over her lap. “What can I do to make you feel better?” her friend asked.

“I should probably go next door and see if I can sleep. I don’t want to get everyone sick if this turns out to be a virus. Especially Sam.”

“I’ll check on you in a little while.”

“Thanks, Ava. I’m sure I’ll be fine. Maybe I’ll try meditating.” Aine winked at her sister.

“You should,” she said, walking her to the front door. “When I come over later, you can tell me what Stuart’s leaving was really about,” she whispered.

Aine was feeling worse by the minute. Just walking out of one door and into the other sapped her energy.

She tried to sit up when she heard Ava’s voice, but the pain had gotten a lot worse.

“Oh my God, you look even more terrible,” cried Ava. “I’m getting Tabon.”

Aine didn’t argue. Maybe she should go to the emergency room. “Is he back from the airport?”

Ava nodded.

“Where are you?” she heard Tabon call out.

“In here,” her sister answered.

“What’s going on?” he asked, walking into the room.

“Something’s wrong with Aine.”

“Aine, look at me.” Tabon put his hand on her forehead. “You’re burning up. Are you in pain?”

“My stomach.” The pain got worse, and she clutched the pillow.

“We need to get you to a hospital.”

When Tabon tried to pick her up, she pushed his hand away, but he grabbed her wrist.

“Your heart rate is too high, you’re clammy, pale, and you have a fever. I don’t want you to try to walk.”

When the stabbing pains started again, Aine gave in. “Okay.”

“You stay here with Sam,” he said to Ava, who was following behind them.

Ava ran ahead and opened the door of the SUV so Tabon could set her inside.

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