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Striker (K19 Security Solutions 6)

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“Ours too,” she heard Pen and Tara add. They must’ve just gotten there.

The woman looked at Striker. “Who are you?”

“My name is Griffin Ellis, and if it’s okay with these three ladies, I’ll stay with her.”

Aine watched the woman take her glasses off and look straight at him. “Okay, you can stay for now, but once the doctor gets here, you’ll have to step outside.”

“I’ll keep you posted,” he told them, still holding her hand as they wheeled her into a room. He pulled a chair closer to the bed and took her hand in his again.

“We’re going to start an IV,” said a different woman who came in and introduced herself as Jenny. “We need to get you into a gown first.”

“I’ll help,” Striker told her.

“Okay, I’ll be back in a minute.”

Aine tried to sit up, but the pain was too intense.

“I’ll do it.” Striker gently pushed her shirt up and over her head. He removed each of her arms, taking care not to jar her too much. If she wasn’t in so much pain, she’d thank him, bu

t even talking hurt.

Once he unfastened and took off her bra, he held the hospital gown up. “Put your arms through here,” he said, and then fastened it behind her.

Next, he unbuttoned her jeans and slid them off her body.

“Thank you,” she murmured.

He kissed her forehead, folded her clothes, and then sat back down in the chair.

“Knock, knock,” said Jenny, pulling the curtain back. “Let’s get your IV started so we can get some pain meds in you as soon as the doctor gets here.”

Striker stood and moved out of her way.

“A little pinch,” said the nurse as she poked her with a needle. “Allergies?” she asked, fussing with the tubes.

“I don’t think so,” Aine answered.

“Here’s the doctor now,” Jenny said when a man pulled the curtain back.

“I’m Dr. Stevens,” he told her, holding out his hand to shake Aine’s.

She tried to move but flinched, so he patted her hand instead.

“Let’s take a look and see what’s causing you all this pain.”

He pulled up the gown and pressed against different areas on her abdomen. When he touched on the lower right, Aine cried out.

“Let’s start a morphine drip, and then we’ll get you in for an MRI. I don’t think it’s appendicitis, your pain is too low, but it will tell us for sure.”

Jenny came back a few minutes later with a syringe.

“This will help ease the pain while we find out what’s causing it. It might burn a little.”

Aine let her eyes drift closed as the pain medicine flowed into her body. She was so, so tired. The last thing she saw before she drifted off, was Striker leaning down to kiss her forehead.

“Hi,” her sister said.

Aine fluttered her eyes, trying to get them to open fully. “What’s going on?” she asked, raising her head.

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