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Striker (K19 Security Solutions 6)

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Striker studied Aine as she slept. How had he not realized the dark shadows under her eyes and the pained expression he caught a couple of times were indicators that something was wrong? If he had, he might have been able to convince her to see a doctor before it became an emergency.

He smoothed her blonde hair, thankful that Razor had gotten her to the hospital so quickly and that she was going to be okay.

He closed his eyes momentarily, and when he opened them, Aine was looking at him.

“You don’t have to stay,” she said again.

“I told you before that I’m not going anywhere.”

They both turned their heads when the door opened.

“Look who’s finally awake,” said the nurse who set a laptop on the bedside tray table and checked the various monitors in the room.

“How would you rate your pain?” she asked.

Aine shifted to sit up straighter and winced.

“I can’t help alleviate it if you don’t answer me honestly,” the woman scolded. She walked over and wiped a name from the dry erase board and wrote hers instead. “My name is Paula, and I’ll be your nurse for the next ten hours. Drew, the LPN, will be helping me. Tell me, on a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?”


The nurse pulled a cord from the side of the bed. “You can give yourself pain medication by pressing this button. It’ll only allow a certain amount per hour, so if you need more, all you have to do is let me or Drew know.”

Striker watched, but Aine didn’t press the button.

“Are you hungry?” the nurse asked.

“Not really.”

She nodded. “I’ll be back in a little while to check your incision. Oh, and I saw the doctor. He should be in shortly.”

After entering a few more things into the computer, she left.

“Try to go back to sleep,” Striker said, taking her hand in his.

“I feel like that’s all I’ve done.”

“It’s what your body needs.”

“Ava told me I had a mass on my ovary.”

Striker nodded.

“That’s all I remember.”

“The nurse said the doctor will be in soon. I’m sure he’ll answer any questions you have.”

“Good,” she murmured.

Striker picked up the cord with the pain med button at the end of it. “There’s no reason you should suffer. Use this, Aine.”

“After the doctor has been in. I don’t like feeling so out of it.”

“Fair enough.” He tucked the cord next to her body. “What about food?”

“I’m not hungry.”

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