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Striker (K19 Security Solutions 6)

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“No. I’m just saying it’s for the best that we broke up.”

The door opened, and Ava came in, rushing over to the bed. While her sister hugged her, Aine watched Striker walk out the door.

“I want you to tell me exactly what the doctor told you. Word for word.”


“What the hell happened?” asked Razor, who was waiting in the hallway.


“Stuart. What was he doing here?”

“I assumed you called him. He said he heard what happened and caught the next plane back.”

“Wasn’t me. How long has he been here?”

Striker shrugged. “Five minutes?”

“Quick visit. He blew right past me. Didn’t say a word.”

“When he came in, I was lying on the bed, next to Aine.”

“Something I should know?”

Striker shook his head. “I was comforting her. That’s all.”

“Were you there when the doctor told her?”

Striker nodded.

“He said she can’t have children? No possible way?”

“No, not definitively. Just that the odds are against her.”


Striker wished he could tell Razor to shut the fuck up.

“This changes things.”

“How so?”

“She’s in the same boat you are.”

“It isn’t the same thing at all.”

“You could adopt.”

“You can’t be serious. What do you expect me to say? Hey, Aine. Remember what I said about not being able to be with you? That’s all changed now that I know you can’t have kids.”

Ava came out of the room, closing the door behind her.

“How’s she doing?” Striker asked, surprised to see her so soon.

“Miserable. She asked me to tell you to leave.”

“She’s already asked me herself, several times. As I told her, I’m not going anywhere.”

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