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Striker (K19 Security Solutions 6)

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“Let me ask you a question. What if you did do the testing and found out you didn’t have the genetic variation? Would you still want to be with me, knowing I might not be able to have children?”

He knew she’d ask that question, and when he thought about it earlier, he’d had a different answer than he had now. Before, he would’ve told her it wasn’t the same thing. Now he understood that she wouldn’t see it that way. To her, it was exactly the same.

“If there were a way, I could be with you, Aine, I would do it.”

“There is a way. All it takes is for you to want it.”

“What if…”

“We face it together. No matter what ‘ifs’ there are in our lives, we face them together.”


“Tsk, tsk, tsk. You know you can’t be sleepin’ in Miss Aine’s bed,” said the man she guessed was Drew.

Griffin—because she could no longer think of him as Striker—stretched and sat up. “What time is it?”

“Almost ten, and little miss here needs her rest, which she can’t do with you hoggin’ half her bed.”

He stood. “Is Ava still here?”

“No, she left about an hour ago. Told me to tell Miss Aine that she’d be back in the morning.”


“It’s okay,” Aine told him. “You can leave. I’ll be sleeping anyway.”

He shook his head.

“Seriously, Griffin. Go get some sleep and come back in the morning like Ava is.”

“Or, I could arrange to have a roll-away brought in. That way you could both sleep without having to share a little bitty bed that’s barely big enough to hold one person let alone two.”

“That would be great,” he answered before she could protest. “Thanks, Drew.”

“Here,” he said, handing him a piece of paper. “Order some food for Miss Aine and something for yourself too.” Drew pointed to the bottom of the paper. “There’s the number. Just call, and they’ll bring it up in about thirty minutes.”

“Can you eat?” Griffin asked.

“It doesn’t matter. She has to. You were sleepin’ in her bed; you darn well better know what she likes to eat.”

Aine laughed, and even though it hurt, it felt good too. “Can I get breakfast?”

“You can get whatever you want,” Drew answered.

“I want pancakes.”

“That does sound pretty good. Maybe I’ll have pancakes too.”

“What you waitin’ for?” Drew handed Griffin the phone. “The sooner you call, the sooner the food gets here.”

“He’s a character,” Griffin said once Drew left the room.

“He’s great.”

“Yeah, I agree.”

Griffin ran his hand through his hair and sat down in the chair.

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