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Striker (K19 Security Solutions 6)

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“I’m fine. Just sore.” Aine looked over at baby Lia. “Can I hold her?”

Zary looked at Ava. “Would it be okay?”

Ava laughed. “Are you asking if I’ll let her go or if it’s okay if Aine holds her?”

Ava kissed Lia’s cheek and handed her to Zary, who put her in Aine’s arms.

“She’s so beautiful.” Aine teared up, looking at her niece. She shared her mother’s piercing blue eyes—identical to hers and Ava’s. Her hair hadn’t grown in much since the last time Aine had seen her right after she was born, but what she had was light blonde, almost white, again like her mother’s.

“Thank you,” murmured Zary, gazing at her baby. “Tell me about your surgery.”

Ava proceeded to tell their half-sister what had happened down to the most

minute detail, while Aine gazed at the baby.

“Is Sam sleeping?” she asked.

“No, he’s next door with the grandmas and the girls.”

Aine looked up when Pen and Tara came out of the kitchen.

“Our mom is the only one who isn’t here,” Ava explained to their two friends. “Gunner’s and Zary’s mothers, Madeline and Svetlana, are next door. So are Sally and Saylor, Tabon’s mom and sister, along with Sierra and Savannah, his nieces.”

“We met them at Christmas last year,” said Pen.

“That’s right. I completely forgot.”

“I’m going to go check on Laird,” Merrigan told them. “You can come along if you’d like,” she said to Pen and Tara.

“No, thanks,” answered Tara.

Penelope gave her a funny look and then shrugged. “I’ll go.”

A few seconds later, Tara walked toward the front door.

“Change your mind?” Aine asked her.


“About going next door.”

“No,” she said before walking out the door and closing it behind her.

“What is with her?” Ava asked, although Aine doubted she expected an answer.

“Where’s Quinn?” Aine asked in return.

“I forgot. She’s over there too.”


“What’s going on?” Striker asked Razor after saying hello to Doc, Gunner, and Mercer.

“I thought you weren’t going to pull the trigger on Tackle and Halo deploying to Colombia?”

“That’s right. Yesterday I told you I wanted to wait and watch.”

“Onyx’s flight plan shows they left Miami two hours ago.”

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