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Monk (K19 Security Solutions 7)

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“I’m going to propose.”

“On the plane? Ew.”

“You haven’t been on this plane.”

He told her the layout of it and what he wanted her to do.

“Okay, you convinced me. I’ll do it. What about a ring?”

“Mom already had that covered.”

“How…you know, never mind. The woman never ceases to amaze me.”

When she stood to leave, Razor grabbed her wrist. “She said you and Monk—”

Saylor sat back down. “Listen, Raze, I’ve been where you are, although I’ll be the first to admit your choice of a future spouse is way better than mine was. Anyway, my point is, I’m not looking to get into another relationship. Monk is hot as all get-out, and he’s a nice enough guy, but that’s it for me.”

“Mom said you didn’t come home last night.”

Saylor laughed out loud. “Is that the way she put it? Home? We stayed in a hotel.”

Razor nodded.

“She’s a hoot.”

“Listen to me, Saylor, Monk is—”

She stood up and put one hand on her hip. “Did you not hear a word I said?”

“I did, but—”

“Look, I’ll say it again. It doesn’t matter what Monk is or isn’t. It matters what I am. I have two little girls to raise, neither of which remember their father, thank God. They are my priority. Monk was there last night, and it happened to work for both of us. That’s it.”

Razor nodded again, but the look on his face said he wasn’t convinced.

“I know the life you live, Raze. You may be able to take some time off now since you almost died and all, but I’ve seen exactly how often you come and go. I’m not interested in a relationship with Monk, but even if I were, that alone would be enough for me to rethink it.”

She leaned over and kissed her brother’s forehead. “I’m the big sister. I worry about you, not the other way around.”

When she walked out of Razor’s room, Monk was standing in the hallway.

“How long have you been here?”

“Long enough.”

“Look, I—”

Monk walked past her into Razor’s room and closed the door behind him.

He wasn’t upset, right? He just didn’t feel like listening to her unnecessary words. They were both on the same page. Weren’t they? Of course they were.

“You’re talking to yourself,” said a nurse who walked by.

“Yeah, I do that.”

“Doesn’t everybody?”

Saylor walked out of the ICU in search of her mother. If she was going to do the stuff Razor asked her to, she needed to go shopping.

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