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Monk (K19 Security Solutions 7)

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“Anyway, he gave me a list of things he needs. Wanna come along?”

Her mother practically dropped the watering can where she stood, wiped her hands on her shorts, and came out of the gate.

“Do you want to lock up the house?” Saylor laughed.

“That’s a good idea.” Her mother went back inside, and Saylor went to get the girls.

“When can we visit Aunt Ava again?” asked Sierra when Saylor came back in.

“How’s right now?”

Both girls jumped from their chairs, squealing with delight.

“What’s this?” asked her mother, coming in the front door.

“Aunt Ava! Aunt Ava!” the girls sang.

“They’ve been begging me to take them to see her all morning.”

“This should be interesting.”

“Stop raising your eyebrows. You’ll get wrinkles,” said Saylor, reaching out to smooth the skin on her mother’s forehead.

“More wrinkles, you mean.”

“Oh, shit. I have to call Monk. Be right back.”

She went into the bedroom, escaping her girls’ cries that she owed them both money for swearing.

“Yeah, yeah,” she muttered as she dialed the number her brother had given her.


“Uh, Monk? This is Saylor Davis, um, Razor’s sister.”

“I know who you are.”


?Right. He asked me to call and tell you that he needs two phones and some clothes for Ava. He said you’d understand.”


“He didn’t say. He’s at my dad’s fishing cabin. Maybe he wants you to take them there.”

“I’ll get back to you.”

Saylor stared at the phone; he’d ended the call. When Ava said the man didn’t say three words to her, she wasn’t kidding. Evidently, goodbye wasn’t necessary. A minute later, she got a text with GPS coordinates. She plugged them into her map app and saw it was for the beach club where their family were members. Her phone pinged again, this time with a locker number.

“Come on, girls,” she said as she came out of the bedroom, but neither her mother nor her daughters were anywhere in sight. She locked up the house and went out the door to the garage, where she saw the three of them waiting for her in her Jeep.

“Anxious much?” Saylor asked when she got in.

She drove to the beach club first and found a duffel bag inside the locker Monk gave her the number of. She looked all around when she came out, but didn’t spot him. Not that she would stop and talk; just laying eyes on him would’ve been enough for her.

“I thought we were going to see Aunt Ava,” whined Sierra from the back seat when Saylor returned to the vehicle.

“We are, but first she asked us to stop and pick up some very important things for her. She knew she could count on the two of you to help her. Was she right?”

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