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Decked (The Invincibles 1)

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“A consulting job. Anyway, while I was there, I was approached by a man about a startup company he wants me to be part of. That’s who I called.”

“I’m being patient, Decker, but I wish you’d connect these dots for me.”

“I’m getting there,” he said, standing. “Be right back.”

He came back with another beer for himself along with the bottle of wine. I took a sip, and then he poured some more before he sat back down.

“I do work in the intelligence field.” He looked at me again as if to gauge my reaction.

“I never would’ve guessed, given the spy-central setup in your house.”

He smiled. “That’s the side I’m on. Technology. I got into it because of Z Alexander. He saw something in me when I was a kid, and he nurtured it.”

“I take it intelligence is Z’s field too.”

“I’m not giving away any of England’s national secrets by telling you Z is the head of MI6. It’s information you could easily get from their website. Anyway, these guys, they’re MI6 too. Actually, two of them are MI5 agents, but that’s not the point.”

“What is the point?”

“I’ve always been an independent contractor. There are times, like calving and branding season, that I just can’t be away from the ranch. That, and you may have noticed I don’t always play well with others. I may have been accused of being a little gruff from time to time.” Decker wiped one hand on his jeans and then held mine with it. “I’m kind of a loner, Mila, so this venture is something I’m not too sure about. The second part of what I have to say is about you.”

“I can’t wait.”

“I can’t tell if you’re being serious or giving me shit right now.”

I smiled. “Then you might want to rethink working for an intelligence company.”

“Got it. Giving me shit. Moving along.”

“Wow, you’re better at it than I thought.” I leaned forward and kissed his cheek.

“I’ve never told anyone half of what I just told you in the last ten minutes. You asked me if I thought you’d be upset. The truth is, that never occurred to me. I’m used to making a decision and then acting on it. What I’m not used to is having to okay it with anyone but the person who hired me. Half the time, I don’t even do that.”

“And somehow, you get more work.”

He shrugged. “I’m good. I’m better than good. I’d say I’m the best, but there’s one person who’s better than me.”

“One? Just one?”

“I know you’re bustin’ my balls right now, but I’m not lying to you. I really am that good.”

“No lack of self-confidence.”

He looked down at where our hands were joined. “Not when it comes to work.”

“With other things?”

“Truth is, I haven’t cared much. I’m a take-me-or-leave-me kinda guy. Don’t

like me? I really don’t give a shit.” He turned his body so he was facing me. “You, on the other hand…”

I felt my cheeks flush. How crazy was it that I wanted to be different? That I wanted him to say that he cared about my opinion? “What about me?”

“This Adler guy. I can’t tell if I hate him because my instincts are telling me there’s something to hate, or if I hate him because I can’t stand the thought of him with you.”

“He isn’t with me, Decker. We’re friends. I’m not even sure about that anymore.”

“Well, I’m not sure about anything between you and him, and that isn’t like me.”

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