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Grinded (The Invincibles 3)

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I cheek-kissed my parents when we arrived at the airport and then rushed over to the agent, thrusting my ticket at him.

“Your first visit to Italy?” he asked as he stamped my passport.

“Second,” I answered.

“Buon viaggio!”

I hurried through security and got to the gate just as they announced early boarding.

By the time the plane landed in Florence, I was back to feeling trepidatious. Rather than hiring a car to go to Val d’Orcia tonight, I decided to spend a few days in Florence. It was something I’d wanted to do on our visit two years ago, but once I’d met Pia, I forgot about anything in Italy other than her.

As I passed by the counters where travelers could hire cars, I felt pulled to rent one. If I were spending the next few days in Florence, having a vehicle would prove more of a nuisance. In fact, it would be impossible, given cars weren’t allowed in the ancient city, except those who held special permits.

Telling myself I’d spend time in Florence after I saw Pia, I succumbed, knowing full well I’d spend the ninety-minute drive lamenting my decision.

Driving through the gates of Antica Cascina dei Conti di Valentini, memories of my time here came rushing back to me. I was struck that it was even more beautiful than I remembered.

I drove up to the farmhouse, relieved it didn’t appear as though anyone had rented it. Just for the heck of it, I got out and walked up to the front door. When I knocked, it unlatched and slowly opened.

“Hello?” I called out, but no one answered. I walked into the kitchen, calling out again, but found it empty. Feeling assured I wasn’t intruding on someone’s holiday, I ran up the stairs to the room that had been mine.

It was as though time had stood still. Everything looked exactly the same. I flopped on the bed and clasped my hands under my head. I closed my eyes and thought back to when I first saw Pia. If only her laughter would drift up to me now. I’d look out as I did that day, and she would see me. We would race to each other, and I’d lift her in my arms, twirling her in a circle before I covered her lips with mine and kissed her.

I bolted upright when I heard the front door open and close. Jumping up, I made my way to the top of the staircase. “Hello?” I called out.

“Tu chi sei?” asked a man standing just inside the front door. I recognized him. Paolo—the guy she told me she broke up with.

“Sorry, I stayed here a couple of years ago and got caught in reminiscing. If you’ve let the place, I apologize for my intrusion.” When I got to the bottom of the stairs, feigning ignorance to a possible relationship between him and Pia, I stuck my hand out to shake his. He didn’t do the same.

“You’re trespassing,” he responded, scowling.

“Right. Like I said, my apologies. I’m actually here to see Pia.”

The man’s hooded eyes went almost black, and he folded his arms. “She isn’t here.”

“I can see that, but is she at home?” I motioned in the direction of the villa.


“I’ve traveled from England and was hoping to see her before I have to return. Will she be back later today?”

“No,” he repeated.

“Tomorrow, then?”

When he shook his head, I ran my hand through my hair. “Very well. I’ll just find a place in town and try to reach her.”

“Pia doesn’t want to see you.”

“Look, mister…I didn’t catch your last name.”


“Right. Viticcio. Pia and I are friends. I’m sure if she knew I was here, she’d be happy to see me.”

Before I realized what was happening, the man had me by the shirt collar and pushed me out the front door. “She isn’t here, and if she were, she wouldn’t want to see you. As I said before, you’re trespassing.” He let me go with a shove.

As tempted as I was, I didn’t put my hands on him. In a few days’ time, I was due to report to the Royal Military Academy. The last thing I needed was an incident in a foreign country. “The Pia I know makes decisions for herself.”

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