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Win Me Over (Cowboys of Crested Butte 5)

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Bullet laughed, but his voice was serious. “I haven’t done this to any other woman, and Tristan, in the future, I don’t intend to have my hands on anyone but you.”

She didn’t really believe him but smiled anyway. It didn’t matter. For now, she was the one enjoying his caresses. At the end of the day, or the end of the week, they’d eventually make their way back into their own lives. She wouldn’t allow herself to think about his hands on other women and spoil the time she had with him.

Harris had done a number on her, and for a long time, she allowed the past hurt to keep her from living in the present. She had grown up a lot since her time with the philandering bull rider. Her heart had toughened, and at the same time, she’d matured.

“You still here?” Bullet teased. He’d shifted so he was facing her, his back against the other side of the tub. His hands continued pampering as he lavished the scrub on her feet.

“Yes, I’m still here,” she purred.

“Good, ’cause I don’t want your mind driftin’ anywhere else. I want your full attention right here, knowin’ it’s my hands makin’ you feel this way.”

Did he think her mind was on someone else? How could it be? Not with the way his hands were making her feel. He rested her foot in the water and stared into her eyes.

“I like you this way.”

“Which way is that?”

“Open to me.” He put his hands on her knees and opened her legs. “Put your ankles on the edge of the tub,” he said, as he helped rest them where he wanted them. “That’s better.”

Tristan’s natural response was to cover herself, but she didn’t do it. Instead, she met his gaze, and looked into his eyes as he again brought her to the release he was so good at coaxing from her.

“Your turn,” she said after she’d recovered from the orgasm that shook her to her core.

Bullet closed his eyes and slunk his body deeper into the water. When he joined her in the bath, he’d planned to hold her while they soaked, but having her in front of him, naked, was more than he could resist. He wanted his hands on her, everywhere at once. His brain wanted him to take his time, but the rest of him refused to listen.

He’d watched her last night, every time she climaxed. The look on her face was addictive. Five minutes after he saw it, he wanted to see it again. Her body responded to him as though it had been his to enjoy forever. In the same way they fit when he held her, or danced with her, their bodies were a perfect fit when he made love to her.

As she reciprocated the care and nurturing he had given her body, he felt his heart slipping deeper into feelings he’d never experienced before. This was far more than lust, far more than he’d ever felt for anyone, including Callie. Bullet knew for certain, he was falling in love with Tristan McCullough.

“I wish I had time to have breakfast with you, but I’m late, and I have a feeling no one is ever late to a training session with Buck Bishop,” Bullet sighed.

“Buck Bishop? The Buck Bishop? That’s who you’re training with?”

“Yes, ma’am. Isn’t that somethin’?”

“And it’s just you. No one else is training with him this week?”

“I got him all to myself.” Clearly Tristan understood the significance of what that meant. He had to pinch himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming even as he said it.

“I’m really happy for you, Bullet. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.” He appreciated the sentiment from her, but couldn’t help but wonder if he still wouldn’t be good enough for Lost Cowboy, even after a week with Buck.

“Can I watch?”

“Of course you can. But if Buck catches me flirtin’ with you, don’t be surprised if he chases you off.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll watch from the dining hall porch. I won’t be in flirting distance.”

“You’ll be in viewing distance though, which means my body radar will be registerin’ the whole time you’re there.”

“If you’d rather I didn’t—”

“I didn’t say that. You watchin’ will just make me try harder to be the best damn bull rider you’ve ever seen.” He pulled her close and kissed her hard. “I hate to say this, but I gotta run.”

Bullet went out her door and into his cabin. A few minutes later, she heard the other door close, and couldn’t help but look out the window. He was a sight to behold, unclothed and clothed. He wore the same chaps he had yesterday, and this time, a crisp white shirt with his wranglers. Tristan watched him walk away and counted the hours, on her fingers, until he’d be done training.

Part way down the trail, he stopped and looked in the direction of her cabin. Before she had a chance to move away from the window, he tipped his hat to show he knew she was watching.

She checked the time on her phone. She had a half hour to get to the dining hall if she wanted breakfast. While she was there she’d pick up a few things for lunch, and extra for Bullet, who hadn’t had time to eat. She wondered if Buck would give him a break, and felt guilty that she’d kept him occupied so long this morning.

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