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Win Me Over (Cowboys of Crested Butte 5)

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The sight before him made him stop short. Tristan had placed lit candles all around the water’s perimeter. The table behind her was laden with food, glasses filled with wine, and more candles. But that feast had nothing on the one that waited near the in-ground spa.

Tristan was seated on the edge, leaning back and propped on her elbows. Only her toes touched the water. Otherwise, his eyes rested on nothing but her skin and the curves of her body.

Bullet entered the spa from the opposite side and sunk into the water. He reached out and grasped her ankles, pulling her to him until her naked body straddled his lap. The chill of the air outside of the warm water made her nipples pucker tight. Holding her still, he bent to lick first one, and then the other. He went back to the first and closed his mouth around her.


Dottie was perched on the fence rail when Bill got out of the truck. Her long, blonde hair waved in the wind, and her smile dimmed the sun.

“Who’s that?” asked his sister, who rode with him while Clancy and his mama followed in the car that had belonged to Mr. Snyder. Bill hadn’t wanted them to drive it here, but there wasn’t any other choice. The four of them wouldn’t fit in the truck, and Bill was insistent he ride down with Clancy rather than wait until they returned, to talk to his mama.

“That’s Dottie,” Bill answered, unused to having someone around who asked so many questions. The entire ride from Colorado Springs had been an endless Q&A. At first he wanted to tell her that his life was none of her business, as he would’ve told anyone else, but his determination to be a better son and brother made him answer her questions as honestly as he could.

He wasn’t sure what else to tell about Dottie. Bill didn’t know how to define their relationship. She was a friend, but so much more than that. However, after he told her he wouldn’t be attending Western State in the fall as planned, he doubted they’d continue to be more than friends, if that.

“She’s your girlfriend,” his sister stated.

“I guess.” Bill’s shoulders tensed up, and he dreaded the conversation he’d soon be having with Dottie.

It was three hours before they could excuse themselves and go for a walk. Every minute had been torture for Bill. Each smile she bestowed on him when she took his hand in hers, even when she’d hugged him hello, worsened his guilt-laden dread.

“You seem preoccupied.” The trail had narrowed, and they had to walk single-file along this section, so he couldn’t see the look on her face.

“I am.” No sense in beating around the bush; he might as well get it over with. “I’m not going to Western State.”

He’d hoped she’d keep walking, so he didn’t have to face her, but she didn’t. She stopped, turned around, and put her hands on her hips. “What do you mean you’re not going?”

Bill could see the clearing a few paces ahead. He suggested they continue walking and he’d explain further when they could sit down and talk face-to-face. Dottie, in her usual way, walked to the clearing with a smile on her face, and sat down on the warm grass. “Explain yourself, Bill Flynn.”

Bill wished she’d stop smiling at him. Couldn’t she sense his agony? What if she cried when he told her his reasons? He’d only seen her cry one time, when the calf died, during the tie-down roping event in Gunnison. And that hadn’t been up close.

“Bill,” she said softly. “Please, tell me what’s going on.”

He wasn’t sure how far back to go, so he began the night he met Mr. Snyder. When he told her how uneasy he’d felt about the man, the smile left her face. When he told her how many times Clancy had driven to Colorado Springs to help his mama, she grimaced. And then, when he told her about Clancy asking his mama to marry him, her smile lit up her face once again.

“I need to help out,” he explained. “And that means living in Black Forest, just outside of Colorado Springs. That’s where the ranch is.”

“What about college?”

He told her he still planned to go; he might get a later start than he’d hoped, but Clancy assured him he’d help him get into the state college.

“So, I guess you’ve waited all this while for nothin’.” He couldn’t look at her when he said it. He braced himself for the break-up he felt sure was coming.

“The last thing you are, Bill Flynn, is ‘nothin’. But you’re right, I’m done waiting.”

“I understand.” Bill’s voice shook in a way he couldn’t control. He only hoped he could keep the rest of the emotions he was feeling at bay, and not embarrass himself too much.

“I don’t think you do.”

“We’re breakin’ up. I get it. And honestly, Dottie, I do understand. I’m just sorry you’ve wasted—”

“If you’re about to say I’ve wasted my time, I’ll stop you right there. I’m in love with you, and the last thing we’re doing is breaking up.”

Bill raised his eyes and looked into her smiling ones. He had no idea what she was thinking, but if it meant she was still his girl, he couldn’t wait to hear about it.


Their week was coming to an end. Tomorrow they’d leave the ranch and go back to their respective lives. Her time had been more productive than she could’ve dreamed. She was leaving with twice as many designs for Lost Cowboy and her new venture than she’d initially anticipated.

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