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Kitty Raises Hell (Kitty Norville 6)

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Relieved, I sank into a free chair and blew out a sigh. “That’s really good to hear. Have you told him about your, um, talent yet?” I kind of wanted to be there for that conversation.

“Uh, no,” Tina said. “I figured I’d wait until he was back on his feet.”

I was going to say something about whether they’d be interested in doing the big reveal on my show, but Tina wrinkled her nose and peered hard at me. “What’s wrong?” I said, wary.

“Are you okay? You’ve got something weird going on. This smell.”

I wondered . . . I was carrying a jar of the blood-and-ruin potion in my bag, for the Paradox crew to use.

“Er,” I said, chagrined. “I didn’t think nonlycanthropes could smell it.”

“Smell what?” Jules said.

“You can’t smell that?” Tina said. “Oh, God, don’t tell me—”

Tina didn’t really smell it—she sensed it. Which gave me hope, because that meant there was something weird and magical about it. Maybe it would work.

I revealed the jar, half filled with viscous black goo. They twisted their faces up in expressions of disgust. “It’s supposed to be a protection spell.”

“What is it?” Jules said, already repulsed, though I hadn’t even told him.

“Blood mixed with dust from a ruin.”

They both went Eww.

“Got that out of a book, didn’t you?” Jules said, cutting. “Something by Crowley, maybe?”

“As a matter of fact, no,” I said. “I happen to have a consultant on the case. Like you guys. Have your contacts been able to turn up anything? Any ideas what we do next to track this thing down?”

Again, they answered with a long, hard silence. I blinked at them. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s really hard saying this, Kitty,” Jules said.

“Because you’re a coward,” Tina muttered. Jules glared at him.

“What?” I said. “What’s hard?”

They exchanged glances, frowning, slouching. If anything, they looked even more glum than they had when I arrived.

“We’re leaving Denver,” Jules said finally. “The producers yanked the plug when they found out what happened. What you’ve uncovered here, it’s simply too dangerous.”

“I think we should stay,” Ti

na said, angry. This argument might have been going on all morning. “Gary wants to stay.”

“Gary’s in no state to be making these decisions,” Jules said. “Besides, it’s the producers’ call, and they want out. It’s back to ordinary haunted houses for us.”

Looked like the werewolf pack wasn’t the only group facing mutiny today.

Tina glared. “I’d rather listen to concussed Gary than the producers.”

“Tina, it’s too much. Voices in the attic are one thing. But this—we can’t handle it.”

The thing was, I couldn’t blame them. Not even a little bit. This was my problem, not theirs. One of their people had been hurt, tens of thousands of dollars of equipment destroyed. Getting the hell out of town was the smartest thing to do.

I nodded, understanding. But I couldn’t let them off that easy. “I thought you were investigators. I thought you wanted to study this sort of thing. Now you’re telling me if it’s not clean and pretty enough for TV you don’t want anything to do with it?”

“Kitty, that’s not fair,” Jules said.

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