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Burning with Passion

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‘Let me go, David,’ she demanded tonelessly.

‘Caitlin, let me help you,’ he said earnestly. ‘Tell me what’s wrong. If there’s something I can do to help, let me do it.’

‘It’s too late for that, David.’

‘It’s never too late.’

He was wrong. No one could turn back the clock and save Dobbin. He would probably think her a sentimental fool for grieving over an old pony. Sentiment was not David’s strength. Caitlin had had ample proof of that.

‘You’ve never cared about my feelings for you or for my family. Never bothered asking about them. You didn’t let any thought of my needs infringe on your personal life,’ she stated as a matter of incontrovertible fact.

‘I didn’t realise...’

‘You only had two concerns,’ she went on, relentless in her indictment of his self-centredness. ‘Business and sex. I’m not sure even now which came first on your list of priorities, but I tend to think it was business.’

‘I care about you, Caitlin,’ he said stiffly. ‘I care a lot.’

‘’ The pained truth of his feelings for her was reflected in her eyes as she dragged her gaze up to his. ‘Not enough. You only care about me when it suits your convenience, David. I’m nothing more than that. You use me to serve your needs.’

An angry flush—or was it one of guilt?—speared across his cheekbones. ‘That’s not true. You’re more important to me than...’ He hesitated.

‘Your precious schedule!’ she finished for him.

The flush deepened on his cheekbones. She had hit him hard and low with something he could not deny.

‘There’s reason enough for that,’ he snapped.

‘I’m sure there is. You have a reason for everything.’

‘So do you.’

She pushed out of his embrace, grabbed her bag from the coatstand and slung it over her shoulder. ‘I’m going now,’ she said with unshakeable determination.

‘You’re really resigning!’ He sounded bewildered.

‘Darned right I am.’

> He thrust his hands out in appeal. ‘Tell me why!’

‘Because you’re a heartless, insensitive, callous brute,’ she hurled at him.

It smacked home, too. He flinched. ‘I know you’re upset, Caitlin,’ he retorted imperiously. ‘You’re in a temper. If you want compassionate leave, take it.’

‘No need,’ she said tightly. ‘I’m not coming back.’

‘Let’s have a cooling-off period.’

She looked her disdain for that idea. ‘I’m already cold where you’re concerned, David.’

‘Tell me what I can do,’ he demanded, still sure he had the power to sway her.

‘I don’t want to. If I told you, you’d only reject it. Just as you reject almost everything about me. Just as you rejected me this morning.’

‘I had the Germans coming!’ he cried in exasperation.

‘You made your choice!’ she snapped. ‘That’s your bed. Lie in it. You can go back to your German delegation now.’

She stepped around him and headed for the door.

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