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The Fatherhood Affair

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He brought his face up close to hers. ‘Will this do?’

‘My instincts were right, Damien,’ she assured him, excitement dancing in her voice and manner at the prospect of the future they would share together, the family they would share together. ‘When we were at Merlinmist something happened.’

‘I know. I know,’ he said with a touch of impatience. ‘I remember vividly. But this is better, Natalie. Much better...’

‘Something important, Damien.’

His eyes were quizzical, searching. ‘What?’

‘I intended to tell you this morning.’

‘Don’t drag it out like this. Tell me, tell me...’

‘We’re going to have a baby,’ she announced on a deep sigh of satisfaction.

There was a mixture of awe and wonderment in his eyes. ‘A baby!’

‘Our child.’

His touch gentled, became almost reverential. ‘I love you, Natalie. With all my heart.’

‘I love you, too, Damien. With all my heart.’

‘A baby,’ he said simply, as if tasting the wonder of the word.

‘You’re going to be a father, Damien,’ Natalie said firmly.

A look of soft tenderness spread over his face. He smiled, a smile that shone with love.

‘You give me the gift of life.’

‘You’ve given it to me.’

The smile spread into a grin before he kissed her. ‘I’m going to be a daddy.’

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