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In Need of a Wife

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‘A favour, you might say,’ Sasha prompted.

‘Very much so.’

And a favour for a favour seemed very much down Nathan Parnell’s alley. Sasha’s suspicions moved up a notch. ‘She sounds extremely eccentric.’ And possibly primed for the part by her legal consultant.

Nathan rolled his eyes. ‘Believe me, you’ll earn your money. I’ve redrafted her will at least twenty times. She had another codicil for me today.’

Another will. Another fertile invention by Nathan Parnell? ‘Nothing could be more eccentric than Seagrave Dunworthy’s will,’ Sasha posed, wanting to see if he reacted to the connection.

He gave her a crooked smile. ‘Want to bet on that?’

Maybe it was all true. Sasha had to admit to being intrigued by the prospect of investigating the situation. Besides, a job was a job, and, if she was promptly paid for the work she did, what did it matter if Nathan Parnell was behind it? As with this accommodation, as long as she believed everything was genuine, there was nothing for her to worry about.

‘Where does Hester Wingate live?’ she asked, getting down to practicalities.

‘Church Point. In actual fact, I am commanded to bring you to her in time for morning tea tomorrow. You are to bring your baby with you.’ His eyes made an eloquent appeal. ‘It would save me a lot of trouble if you agree.’

‘You don’t mind being ordered around?’

He sighed. ‘I find it easier to fit in with Hester than not to.’

Despite her suspicions, Sasha was amused. The idea of a little old lady getting the better of Nathan Parnell was so unlikely, she wanted to see it for herself. ‘It’s very kind of you,’ she said.

‘I take it you’re agreeable to the plan?’

‘It couldn’t be more agreeable,’ she assured him. ‘And I’m very grateful to you for thinking of me.’

‘It was no hardship.’

His eyes locked on to hers, telling her it was a pleasure, the kind of pleasure a man took in doing something for a woman who was of keen personal interest to him.

Sasha’s stomach quivered. She forced her eyes down. Her cup was still in her hands. She drank the coffee as though it were a life-saving necessity.

He picked up his cup. He had long, lean fingers, neatly manicured nails. Was he the kind of lover who would take and give sensual pleasure, tracing exquisite patterns on her skin with those fingers? Sasha caught her breath at the sheer eroticism of her thoughts. She had to get Nathan Parnell out of here before something inappropriate occurred. She waited until he finished his coffee, then tried to bring their business together to a quick conclusion.

‘What time should we leave in the morning?’

‘Can you be ready by nine-thirty?’

‘Yes.’ She stood up and gave him a weary smile. ‘But I do need a good night’s sleep.’

‘I’ll leave you to it.’

To Sasha’s intense relief he rose to his feet without any attempt to prolong this encounter. She led the way to the door, opened it, then steadied herself to bid him goodnight.

‘Thanks for all your help, Nathan.’

He paused beside her, his vivid blue eyes capturing hers with concentrated purpose. He was too close, disturbingly close.

‘Would passion suffice?’ he asked.

She felt his hands on her waist and knew he meant to kiss her. Probably he wanted more. Without a wife...

Her heart clenched, hit turmoil, and shattered into chaos. She shouldn’t let him...she shouldn’t...but a kiss was just a kiss. She could stop it at that. A kiss didn’t commit her to anything. There were many reasons for giving him this little pleasure. He’d done a lot for her. He wanted it. And he was the sexiest man she had ever met.

In mind-spinning fascination she watched his mouth coming towards hers. She hadn’t kissed anyone but Tyler for over four years, and in recent times there had been little feeling left in that. Mostly desperation. Often resignation. But that was gone now, and she was free to please herself, free to accept a kiss from another man, and she wanted to know what it would be like.

His lips moved lightly over hers, tempting, tantalising, encouraging her to respond. No demand. No pressure. Nothing to be frightened of. Her hands slid up to his shoulders, allowing him the freedom to gather her closer. He didn’t. It was a long, slow kiss, one of sensual invitation and exploration, caressing away Sasha’s thoughts. She went with him, following every step, entranced with the journey of escalating sensation.

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